Turkey / Kahramanmaras / Afsin /
 temple, mosque


Christianity and Christians to follow the Roman Emperor Decius began to kill the noble family of seven brothers who did not heed the governor of Ephesus, and who wants them to leave their religion with them dogs, even though the opponents of Christianity who want to starve to death in a cave sığındılar.Onları wall of the cave entrance by weaving the business end kapattılar.Ancak before describing the contents of the copper plate is a Christian event, the Seven Sleepers has sought refuge inside the cave.
158 or 197 years after the break, 408 or 447 people a night in devout uyandılar.Bu düşünüyorlardı.Yedi sister slept in one of them to get food supplies to the city gönderdiler.Dışarıya cross marks the doors of the brothers saw the money from the time of Decius browsing this very şaşırdı.Elinde interest by young people and was met with astonishment.
Bishop of Ephesus, to see the highlight of Emperor Joseph II. Emperor Theodosius II and Empress invited.
Together, we visited them in the cave after ettiler.Bu prove faithful brothers will rise again, people fell asleep.
Current status as a saint by Christians Yediuyurlar görülür.Şu bilmemekle kiliselerince anılırlardı.Ortodoks Latin church together more than in July önce27 Yediuyurlar cave hid themselves on August 4, 22, in October, days of religious rituals uyanmışlardır.Bu done and one of the alırdı.Yediuyurların yortular Latin names were as follows; Maximianus, Malchus (marhus), Martinianus, Constantinu, Dionysius, Iohannes, and Serapio
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Coordinates:   38°14'55"N   36°51'16"E
This article was last modified 12 years ago