Agnigarh Hillock (Tezpur)

India / Assam / Tezpur
 park, recreation area / ground, tourism, hillock

In olden days Tezpur was ruled by Bana Raja, the king of Asuras (demons). Lord Krishna's grandson Aniruddha fell in love with Usha, Bana's daughter. Usha's love for a simple mortal came to Bana's notice and so he kept Usha in a separate island. This is the site of the legendary romance of princess Usha (the only daughter of king Bana) and Aniruddha. Usha was imprisoned inside the palace which was surrounded by a wall of fire. The place came to be known as Agnigarh.
The present day Agnigarh (Agni - fire, Garh - wall), now only a hillock facing the Brahmaputra, provides a panoramic view of the great river and Tezpur. The hillock has been developed into a park and recreational area by the Assam Tourism Development Corporation and it is one of the popular tourist spots in Tezpur.
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Coordinates:   26°37'4"N   92°48'10"E
This article was last modified 12 years ago