Uttar Ramnagar

India / Bangla / Bolpur /
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Uttar Ramnagar is a panchayat in Burdwan district. It has a high school and a small public library. Important locations are; Brahma-Daitya Tala, Mahaprabhu Tala, the bazaar, Panchayat Office and Hospital.
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Coordinates:   23°34'39"N   87°37'38"E


  • Brahma-Daitya Puja is being celebrated on 1st Magh every year just after the next day of Deuli Mela on the bank of Ajay river
  • uttar ramnagar is the best village of burdwan dist.
  • hello, i am biswanath from this village. village is very educated since independence. in this village 6 durgapuza is celebrated every year. mostly people from this village is posted in various positions and in different places. all gaters in puza. now we miss the PLAY - theatre during lakshmi puza. 24 pahar is also celebrates every year in may end. some of my friends are staying in village. Baiju tota etc. Premature death of samir pains me. he was a good sportsman. pranam to all elders. - BISWANATH
  • This is my origin... it has a rich culture and the heritage lies in the fact that durgapuja is celebrated in this village with great grandeur adhering to age old rituals .... don’t miss the opportunity to visit this village during the puja time....
This article was last modified 16 years ago