sree thrinEthra swAmy temple, palliyin mukkoodal, kuruvi rAmEswaram

India / Tamil Nadu / Thiruvarur /
 temple, Shiva temple, thevara paadal petra sthalam

SCN086 - sree mukkan nAthar along with sree anjanAkshi temple, thirupalliyin mukkoodal is 86th thEvAra temple of chOzha dhEsh(nAdu) located in south shore of the river cauvEri.IKT rAamAyan - temple associated with epic rAmAyan, jatAyu worshiped sree thirinEthra swAmy here in tirupalli mukkudal and sree rAmA offered worship the lord of palliyinmukkoodal. There is a rAmaswAmy temple behind this temple. SrPT - surya pooja temple,soorya pooja performed during the sivarAthri of kumba (mAsi) month. TrVT - theertha vishEsha temple,temples known for the speciality of their holy water ponds( theertham), here the theertham called as mukoodal theertham means thirivEni sangamam. The deitees of thirupalli mukkoodal is also named as sree mukkOna nAthar along with sree maimEvu kanni,kEkkarai. MuVT - moolavar vishEsha temple, the moolavar lingam has a highly polished appearance.PT pithru dhOsha nivarthi - temples known for giving pithru tharpanam, sree rAmA gave tharpanam here.
Legend has it that Jatayu worshipped Shiva and was directed to bathe in the Mukkoodal theertham here as it was considered on par with Benares and TriveniSangamam. Mookkoodal theertham is known by the name ShodasaSethu.
Location: On thiruvAroor road to kEkkarai palliyinmukkodal is about 4kms from kEkkarai.Also can reach it from pallivaramangalam which is 4 km from thiruvAroor.
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Coordinates:   10°47'53"N   79°39'27"E
This article was last modified 5 years ago