sree yoganarasimmar temple, cholingar, cholingur (Sholinghur(Thirukkadigai))

India / Tamil Nadu / Sholingur / Sholinghur(Thirukkadigai)
 place with historical importance, Vishnu temple, Mahavishnu, divya desams
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TNDD064, DD064 - sree amirthapala valli thayar sametha sree yoga narasimmar temple, thirukadikai now known as cholingar is 64th dhivya dhesam located in thondai naadu.
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The Lord's Glory:
The glory of Yoga Narasimhar in Sholingur, is attributed to four temples in close proximity (two hill temples, a temple at the foot of the hill and a temple in the Sholingur town). Of these, the two hill temples are the more prominent ones. The salubrious location and the legend surrounding this most powerful deity attract thousands of devotees who throng to this hill temple every day. Miracle cures of psychological ailments, couples being blessed with children, upon the Lord's apparition in their dreams, add to the sanctity of the temple.
This holy place (Divyadesam) has legendary association with Ramayana. When Lord Rama was preparing to end his avatara, he asked Anjaneyar (Hanuman) who was beside him, to reside at Sholingur and protect the seven rishis who were doing a penance. Hanuman slayed two demons who were trying to disrupt the sages. The sages (rishis) were praying to gain a glimpse of Lord Narasimhar, who appeared before them within a Katigai (24 minutes). Also sage Vishwamtirar earned his title Brahmarishi upon praying at this site for a Katigai. The Lord also gave salvation to Prahlada in this location. The belief is that praying at the temple for a Katigai would relieve a human being from the cycle of rebirth.

Siriya Tiruvadi:
( The Small Hill Temple)
The Anjaneyar temple is situated atop a separate 350-feet high hill just opposite the Narasimhar hill (Big Hill). Anjaneya is always looking towards the sanctum-sanctorum of the Narasimhar temple and is offering prayers.

The Temple on the Small Hill enshrining Yoga Anjaneyar, has two towers and two water bodies, the Hanuman Theertham and the Rama Theertham. There are also shrines to Pallikonda Ranganathar facing south, and Kodandaramar facing West. The Pandava Theertham is situated at the bottom of this hill. The Small Hill is popularly called Kadigachalam ( Kadigai + Achalam; Kadigai indicating a period of time and Achalam meaning hill)

The Glory of Anjaneyar:
According to a few Vaishnavite scholars, Anjaneyar is doing penance atop the hill to become the next Brahma. The Lord has reportedly advised Anjaneyar that there is a better service to perform, than becoming a Brahma, which is just a post created for a specific purpose of being a creator of the Universe. Instead, the Lord has advised Anjaneyar, the 4-handed bestower of boons, that by blessing His devotees who visit Him at Thirkadigai, he can remain in the eternal service of the Lord. According to legend Anjaneyar helped Indrathymna Maharaja, one of the kings in the region, to vanquish a demon called Arakkan Nikumban, Kalan, Keyan and saved the kingdom.

Lord Anjaneyar accomplished this task on a Sunday and hence every Sunday is an important day at Siriya Thiruvadi. People take a bath in the Chakkra Theertham of the Small Hill and worship the Lord.

The Big Hill temple is also known as Thirumalai or Thirukkadigai. Pei-Alwar refers to the Lord here as "Vann Poonkadigai Ilankumaran".

The Lord directed Anjaneyar to sit atop the nearby Small Hill and bless the devotees till the end of Kaliyuga (4,32,000 years span and started circa 1000 BC)

Sri Vishnu Puranam and Sri Padma Puranam speak about the greatness of this place. Sage Viswamitrar became a Brahmarishi by praying in this place for one "Kadigai". According to legend, the Saptharishis - Arthri, Kasyapar, Vasishtar, Jamadagni, Gautamar, Bharatwajar and Viswamithrar - did penance here to have a vision of Lord Narasimhar. The Lord appeared before the sages in Narasimha Avataram. The Lord provides a Giri Pradakshinam sevai to the 7 rishis, starting on an Eakadasi day and blessing the rishis on a Dwadashi day. Even now during the month of December - January devotees undertake a Giri Pradakshinam along with the Utsavar icon that is taken in a grand procession around the 2 hills, over a 25 kms distance.

According to a few Vaishnavite scholars, Lord Narasimhar comes out of his penance during Karthigai (months of November - December) to bless the devotees. Hence there is a swell of devotees in the two hill temples during this month, especially on Sundays, which is an auspicious day for worshipping Lord Narasimhar and Anjaneyar

The Goddess here is Amritabalavalli or Sudha Valli as She emerged sitting on a thousand petaled lotus, from one of the ponds near Kadikachalam. As She was holding the Amrita creeper in Her hand She came to be known as Amritabalavalli and was married to the Lord on a Friday. Hence the devotees worship the Goddess here on Fridays to obtain Her grace.

Sage Durvasa, who was overwhelmed with joy after getting a tulsi garland from Lord Narayana, began to dance. On seeing this, Budha, one of the nine planets, laughed, and was cursed by the sage. He got relief from the curse after visiting the Hill temple and taking a dip in the "Pandava Theertham'
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Coordinates:   13°5'19"N   79°25'20"E


  • I feel more comfortable after every my visit here. Every moments here are very nice to feel. Those wide.. lengthy 1315 steps, Monkeys activities all along the way, some time with good crowd all along the steps, a good top view of the city from top of the hill.. and kind of satisfaction while worshiping Amirtha Balavalli Amma & Nara Simha Ayya and after back to hill bottom. I am hoping to reach the top without any mid rest in next visits soon, as now i takes one time 5 mins rest in exact halfway :). Better to visit atleast once in month by Saturday.
  • Everytime, I've been experiencing a feel of facing a new world after visiting this temple once in three months. As this is very near from chennai, people can worship the lord and return back to chennai in half a days time. I can give 100% guarentee that you will surely get the lord's blessing, if you bless him honestly and will shine in life.
  • This is one of the 108 vishnava divya desams. This is the only divya desam dedicated to Sri Narasimhar in Tamil Nadu.Sri vishnu purraanam and paathma puraanam offers details about this sthalam. It is believed that Sri Lakshmi Narasimhar came to this palce after hiranya vatham and stayed here for ever in this Yoga sayanam posture. It is well kown that Srinarasimha avathaaram took place at Sri Ahobilam. However, since munivars requested the presence of Sri Narasimha here on an endless timescale, The Lord Narasimha chose to stay here for ever.Among all the other avathaarams this and the vaamana avathaaram are the most significant becuase of the fact that they both accomplished the misssion instantly. Many of the LAkshmi Narasimha bakthaas believe that by praying to this Lord (who is an instant acccomplisher), their prayers are fulfilled instantly if not atleast an instant relief is offered without delay by this Lord. After Sri Raama avathaaram, aanchneYa wanted to go back to Sri vaikundam, and serve the Lord there. The Lord instructed anchnEya to goto this place and protect the rishis penance from the oncoming danger. Two demons by name kaalan and kEyan appeared as soon as the rishis started penance and started to distrub their effort. Sri hanuman wanted an instant tool to stop it and Lord Rama offered him his changu and chakram with the help of which Hanuman killed the demons who tried to prevent the tapas of saptha rishis and vaamathEvar . Hanuman also had the darshan of Sri Narasimha in his avathaara kOlam at the lapse of a kadigai, and along with the rishis, and accepted the order of Lord Narasimha to sit in front of Him in the small hill and serve as a protector for those whoever comes to this hills seeking relief from demons or demon effects.There is no other place AanchnEyaa has such prominance, ( a hill and temple as his own abode) and also with changu chakram and with four hands. This malai or hill is also known as Ekasilaa parvatham meaning that the entire hill is made of one stone, which is true and one can see that when they visit this shrine.In this temple, it is the desire of the Lord that his bakthas climb the steep footsteps (which are similar to the parama patha Sobaanam) and pray the Lord.
  • This is one of the temple in divyadesams.Here in this temple the god name is lord narashima and amirtha valli thayar.very very powerful god.please visit the temple and get narshima's grace.
  • By god grace am visiting this temple monthly once and in august itself i came 5 times...many miracles has happened while coming to this temple..the above information which i have posted are true...This temple has vast history and many people of tamil nadu dono about this temple as it locates near andhra border.And i have posted the total history of this both temples in orkut and have started a community for this temple so people can share their experience their and here here is the link to know the full details of sholingur..and soon tell the inexplicable miracles of sholingur ..thank u namo narayana ....
  • Sholinghur is place where you can see the God.The message will come directly from him to come and have his dharshan. However, you make the plan it is not possible to have his dharshan unless or otherwise, if he calls you. That much miracles has this place. Taking birth over there itself is the gift of God. So Just visit and see the difference in your life.
  • about narashima anjanayar
  • God is great
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This article was last modified 5 years ago