South Edmonton Common (Edmonton, Alberta)

Canada / Alberta / Beaumont / Edmonton, Alberta
 store / shop, commerce
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This is a major commercial district near the southern edge of Edmonton. Construction began in 1997 with the first store, a Home Depot. Other major big-box stores then began to build in the area including Wal-Mart, Superstore, London Drugs, and many others. A number of strip malls began to be built for a wide array of smaller stores, and soon these were joined by a number of restaurants. Once "completed" South Edmonton Common will contain more retail space than West Edmonton Mall, North Americas largest mall.
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Coordinates:   53°26'47"N   113°29'9"W


  • whoever came up with this concept should be shot, i hate driving around this place. what was wrong with malls??? in this age of engery consevation why are we making people drive from store to store ?? especaily the way people drive in this city!
  • Agreed with the above comment except for the malls part. SEC is what's wrong with our society. What a way to welcome guests arriving from the south!
  • Piece of garbage area. The buses hardly run out here, so you have to have a car. Welcome to Alberta, say goodbye to the Arctic!
  • I agree, too. Look at the huge acreage taken up by parking spaces, it's a disgrace!
This article was last modified 12 years ago