Tiahynka | village

Ukraine / Khersonska / Kozachi Laheri /

Tiahynka is village of Berislav district of the Kherson region, Ukraine. Center of the Tiahynka village rada, former center of the Tiahynka volost. The population makes 2031 persons.
The Small Gorodizhe Island is settlement of time of bronze.
The Large Gorodizhe Island is ancient settlement, tailings of the medieval fortress Tiahyn.
Founded by Genoa, at the end of XV age taken by turks.
In 1492 the Ukrainian cossacks under the wire of Bogdan Glinsky took near Tiahyn the Turkish military galley and freed of peaceful habitants from the captivity.
This was the first fight of cossacks in history as known.
In spring 1673 the Turkish fortress Tiahyn was successfully attacked by the ataman Ivan Sirko, and in 1693 - by the ataman Semen Paliy.
At the end of XVII age a fortress halted the existence.
Now there is the bridge of XIX age and remain of fortress of ХVIII age.
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Coordinates:   46°46'49"N   33°3'14"E
This article was last modified 10 years ago