
Portugal / Acores / Ribeira Grande /
 Second World War 1939-1945, shipwreck, submarine

U-518 was a German type IXC U-boat of World wwar II. U-518 had a crew of 56, and was commanded by Hans-Werner Offermann. It departed on ten active patrols.She sank 9 ships.She was sunk by depth charges from the US destroyer escorts USS Carter and USS Neal A. Scott,All hands were lost.

Coordinates:   43°26'0"N   38°23'0"W


  • I Was a Survivor of the Liberty Ship S.S. Fitz-John Porter We were Torpedoed by German Sub U518 March 1 1943 at 3.30 -- I was on Bow watch the 1st. Torpedo came from Stb. side missed the Bow by 3 ft.-- The second one came down port side missed us by 25 ft..The 3rd. one hit us in No. 5 hold-Made a large hole and killed Lewis Acklen who was sleeping on#5 hatch-I fired Half a magazine of my 20 mm in the air to notify the Convoy (30) ships---Than I fired the rest of the magazine at the Sub Periscope- Then we were ordered to Abandon ship- I got in last lifeboat with Captain and Armed Guard Officer and 6men We were later picked up by a Brazilian ship-----Larry LaFontaine USN Armed Guard Gunner
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