Mushtaq A. Khan Residence (Shahjahanpur)

India / Uttar Pradesh / Kithaur / Shahjahanpur / Misri Khel
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Mushtaq A. Khan Residence
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Coordinates:   28°51'18"N   77°57'33"E


  • Salam Alekum, my name is Saiful Islam khan S/O Tabrak Ullah Khan G/S of Hameed Ullah khan,Born in Pakistan and by luck I found you Misri Khel, this Khel is belongs to us, and from my village, as my father told me.From a long time I am searching my Village SHAHJAHAN PUR , 1 K.M FROM KITHOR>> and there is a Pond in the middle of my village, please would you identified where is my village on this road?? I stop here as seen a big Tallab on this place.Thanks and Regards.It is somewhere here, I think so! please confirm and Identified. Saiful Islam khan
  • Yes It is and you are right am also from Misri Khel from Your clan. Son of Mohd.Asif Khan S/o Mohd ahmed khan S/O Mohd Idrees khan s/o Ghulam Hasan Khan. Good to Know about you and to confirm that you identified it rightly.
This article was last modified 16 years ago