DavSr. Sec. Public School, (Shimla)

India / Himachal Pradesh / Shimla / lower lakar bazar
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Centre Lakkar Bazar Shimla
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Coordinates:   31°6'21"N   77°10'38"E


  • my best frnd is in this school...parul bhatia +2(science) she roxxxx but not her school...
  • DAV High School in Lakkar Bazar was built around the year 1937.(The school clerk's room had a group photograph of that year). Shri Satya Prakash, MA was its principal right since its inception and remained so till around the year 1975 when he had to pave way for others due to ill health. Shri Ram Sukh Das sood was its founder chairman till his death in the year 1960. The famous philanthropist provided it a building which was named after him as Rai Bahadur Jodha mall block. Due to its location in a sinking zone of the town, this building was reconstructed on modern designs by the present adminsetrative committee. The old school can boast of many great personalities as its ex-students. ( I got my school education here from 1947 to 1957: Matriculation) Now this school is under CBSE system. Its primary section is on the Mall in OLD PATIALA VAKIL KHANNA. The primary school also functioned in PRESNT JAMMA MASJID from 1948 for about five-six years
  • There is a mistake in the comments above. The school was established in the year 1934 and not in 1937. Last year, platuinum jublee ( aftr 75 Years) was also celebrated. Mistake is regretted: Vishwa Nath sood
  • The above write up has brushed some of my old memories. I was a student of the school during 1956 to 1960. Before that I also studied in its Primary school at now Jama Masjid premises. Sh Satya Prakash ji was its Head Master who used to address the school prayer daily and inculcate among the students, the love for the country besides updating the general knowledge. If I am correct, the prayer used to be; Bharat Varsh Hamara Bhagawan bane vishva se nyara, Ghore hon balwan yahan ke nabh mein urne wale jinki chaal dekh ke man mein vayu bhi ho hara, Bharat vresh....... I still remember some of the teachers some of teachers. Sh Mahajan ji was teaching English, Sh Muni Lal ji was our Hindi teacher, Sh trilok nath ji was our Math teacher, and Sh Hardarshan ji science teacher. I used to be captain of junior cricket team. At that time we used to be provided with full cricket kit. There was a big Hall where school functions were held besides showing films. Our drawing class was also held there. There was a school tuck shop run by Sh Sobha Ram ji, who used to provide children delicacies. Feeling great to add a few words out of memories.
  • Mr. Vishnu Parshad, Your aforesaid comments are more than 100 % correct. You have written words which I too felt like writing. I passed out in March,1957 after studing here from my first class. In fact,when I was in class 2, we were made to go to primary section in Jama Masjid. I have to mention that one very famous teacher was shri Sita Ram-incharge of class 7. During our years in class 9th & 10th Sh Net Ram was the incharge of science teaching with one MR PN Kaul. Mr Net ram was incharge of 9th C (adjacent to science lab). Mr hardarshan joined as part time English composition teacher (To sit in small school dispensary and correct the essay copies)Lateron he became very popular with students after he was made incharge of science section when Sh net ram & PN Kaul left school.
  • It's amazing to see such kind words about my Grand Father - Sri Satya Prakash ji. He taught us a lot of lessons. We would walk on the mall road and as a kid I remember how his students revered him. He taught me Sharing knowledge multiples your knowledge. Anu Anand
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This article was last modified 13 years ago