Fukche Advanced Landing Ground

India / Uttaranchal / Gangotri /
 military airbase, landing strip

Fuckche Airfield or Fukche Advanced Landing Ground (ALG) is one of the Advanced Landing Ground of the Indian Air Force built in India during and after the 1962 Sino-Indian War.
Nearby cities:
Coordinates:   32°56'14"N   79°12'48"E


  • this is second highest Advanced Landing Ground in the world and close to chinese border, satute to indian air force
  • http://www.bharat-rakshak.com/NEWS/newsrf.php?newsid=10332
  • Is there a permanent military presence in this place, Can tourist's visist these places?
  • Tourists can't. Not yet. Its a pointless Indian babu policy of which the Chinese are taking full advantage. On their side of the LAC, that is on Indian area occupied by them, even foreigners are allowed! This photograph that I have uploaded was taken in october, 1972. Fukche was till then an active airfield. It has again been recommissioned from 2011- i think. Also see this blog of mine on this matter of allowing Indians access. Yes, there is a permanent military presence near here.
  • Latest on the Babu Policy!! Some silly bureaucrat wants to prosecute all those who are contributing geographical information to global sites on the pretext that in India, only the 'Survey Of India" is allowed to do that. Anyone else contravening that age old rule from British colonial era will have face the music from cyber police !! They do not even publish the maps "on-line"for the benefit of the common man whose taxes are used for their wages. In India, everything is Secret or confidential or restricted. You will find silly notices like" Restricted area. Photography strictly prohibited" This is when the whole world can see the location and its buildings in Google Earth or in Wikimapia!! Long live Babudom! Long live stupidity!
This article was last modified 10 years ago