Amode Khurd
India /
Maharashtra /
Jalgaon /
/ India
/ Maharashtra
/ Jalgaon
World / India / Maharashtra / Jalgaon
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Amode Khurd village is small village in Jalgaon Block Jalgaon Tehsil/Taluka in Jalgaon District of Maharashtra. This village is the part of Ghardi Gram Panchayat and situated on the banks of Tapi River. The population of Amode Khurd is around 800. Farming is a main business for the Villagers. For the Farmers Banana, Cotton, Wheat, Jwar, Bajara, Soya and all pulses are main crops to produce and to earn livelihood. The cattle-farming and fishing are the side business for the people. The village has a government Marathi primary school as well as a private English nursery school. For the high school and degree education, students need to go around 6 to 20 km near by big villages or Jalgaon city for study.
There are a few small forests and hill areas around Tapi River and Hattel Canal. Environment is very natural and clean. Famous Avachit Hanuman Temple has only 1 km from this village on the way to Vidgaon-Jalgaon road. Also there are some places near where we can visit like, Saptsrungi Temple, Historical Rameshwer temple where three Rivers comes together, Manu Devi temple is located in Satpuda Hill, Nageshwar etc . The Jalgaon and the Chopda markets are there for people to sale and buy. There are two road’s connected to Jalgaon from this village which are via Kanlada and via Vidgaon. A big Vitthal Rakhumai temple and hall has been constructed by villagers.
There are a few small forests and hill areas around Tapi River and Hattel Canal. Environment is very natural and clean. Famous Avachit Hanuman Temple has only 1 km from this village on the way to Vidgaon-Jalgaon road. Also there are some places near where we can visit like, Saptsrungi Temple, Historical Rameshwer temple where three Rivers comes together, Manu Devi temple is located in Satpuda Hill, Nageshwar etc . The Jalgaon and the Chopda markets are there for people to sale and buy. There are two road’s connected to Jalgaon from this village which are via Kanlada and via Vidgaon. A big Vitthal Rakhumai temple and hall has been constructed by villagers.
Nearby cities:
Coordinates: 21°8'54"N 75°29'32"E
- Aamode Kd 4.8 km
- Paldhi 14 km
- Nashirabad 23 km
- Shirsoli 25 km
- Nhavi 35 km
- Palas Khede Village (m) 35 km
- Kasoda 41 km
- Talai 43 km
- Varangaon 44 km
- Pahur 52 km
- KAMALGAON 4.6 km
- Vidgaon 5.4 km
- Kolnavhi Goan 5.6 km
- Adv.Hemchandra Dagaji Patil 7.7 km
- panchak tal chopda (JAGDISH P PATIL ) 7.7 km
- Sutkar.......The village of farm 8.8 km
- Chincholi 10 km
- Waghoda Jagdish Home 13 km
- MALOD 13 km
- Yawal Wildlife Sanctuary 27 km