PVP college Kavathe Mahankal

India / Maharashtra / Tasgaon /

I Am Manisha.P V P college Is very Good.
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Coordinates:   17°0'49"N   74°51'17"E


  • Hi this Nitin from pune i have done my edjuction here.
  • this is my college i like my clg vry much
  • I was inter collage and see to u first.That i start for thinking.I was thinking to much about u.1 day I only see
  • that day u can not see me . i was only in classroom for u.you also donot know about me.I was just see to u and i was fulfilling.Some day after our practical classes was started and u seat infornt of me i was seeing u. i can not do any thing.II was alawys seeing to u but i am not any bad thinking in my mind. but one of the botony practical that i was glancing to u that u r very angery.TULA ETKA RAG ALLA HOTA NA MY GOD.I was not in any touch of that suchtution. meEK EK divas tuzyasathi VICHAR karycho.Ekda me tula libarary madhe pahile bolnycha vichar hi alla pan nahi zale.me only that time tink to u.Alaway i TUZYA GHARASAMARUN JAYACHO JANE KARUN TU MALA DISAVI.Kahi days i was fallow of u .one day i was passed in front of u r house taht time i see u r Tuze kes vichart basali hotis.still i am memorising that days .i haveknow about u what ur doing.one day in class chemistrys lecture is going on and Landge sir slap one gay why u know that i was seeing to u and that fello person asking about what iam doing.Every day i was enter in collage i am searching u only.My frind are calling but nothing was gone that time.one day seen to u in chemistry labotary but cant responce me.me Every day VICHAR KARYOCHO KI AAJ BOLU PAN Never.me Physics lab madhe amne samne pahiyaho.after word you know some time in Examination time u i was in one exam hall.chemistry practical and that result.every where u and i are in same time but no body know what is that.PP AC AP AP tu kute he read kele hote ka ? Gathering program u know u was get to much pushpond but ur Broth W bunty so they rejected.I was wrote 90 in day.AMBULANCE In physics practical i see u good. never angred.i some time seeing u only mAla tula pahawas ek aturth assyachi .tu hi fakt pahun kahi nasalyacha virudha abhas dakhwun diyachi.once time i was seeing to u and i seen i talk with u but dont do taht .ekda tula me chem lab madhe result pahawas note book ghtli hoti.Grop practil u know u also responding me but i was not a in CT.Every thing was in fun and fair but i was in ur heart. me was looked to u but u can not understand to me.Mala psy pract velela kuhap looking to u.result hi bagnyas and tulahi.I was alaways reminding my botony pract exp.that exp is in my life memoreable.i was always coming very soon in class.bcause of u.Tuza too PINK colourcha dress i like very much.Scart shart good looked.Khare pahata me tula propose karanar hoto paan tyyatch two year was passed.kahi mala athawnai rahilya anni tya tasyach pude............. /Third year tu aali hoti BSc i seen to u that time i think that u came for BSc that good .I was in chemistry lab u came near to me ask me abut ppt.me TYA velela vichar kelala chala ankhi three year will be in u r SAATH.I think u came only five days.but i seen u and i was very happy.You ask me u not went any other side.i said to u just i am waiting. but iwas not in watinig then i enter in BSc.I think hath day was last for u. i wasnot know where u went. i think u any other side .that i was only thinking about u. where u went whcich side u got it addmission........ i seen u after one week in office. i seen in ur hand ur LC.Now conform ur going but can not ........ me tuzya ps javalchya gharapudun pahun jayacho tu disyachi anni maan bharun yaach.pude ek week pahath rahilo tu jaychi aanni me tikade pohachnychi vaat ekch hoti.me kadhi kadhi tula cross houn jayocho paan tu NG barobar gappa maratch yyachi.Sakli me lavkar nahtoy yaachoo paan inafternoon i was alwayas seen to u.Maan karyyche tula bolave paan bhti vatyyyachi .me tassach bhit rahilo aani kahi nahi zale.Tya velela i donnt know where ur going.Mala tree year tuza sahavs labhnar yyacha anand hota but................./One day i seen to u on bus stop in Morning .----MMC ---IOP
  • I am now teaching this college. I like my college & teaching a very good. I think P.V.P. College is very good college in sangli city.
  • yes manisha u r right. sweet.
  • U r manisha patil she is in 1999 batch.
  • Some students always say, college life can't come 2nd time but i'll don't say bicoz this college is my sweet hart and he will never stop
  • So yein pert kedhi teri,
  • i am indian army soldier since 2002 now i am selected to UNations MSN in africa thanks from collge where i studied
  • I like pvp college very much. because here so many experinces stap teach to the student.
  • very nice!
  • Pvp college is very very very very very aage ka word i dont know
  • this is my college i proud of my college
  • faaltoo college
  • colleage is a k.mahankal possible ...................well done army officeer
  • majya ayushya tli sglyat best divs mnje maji collagechi 5 vrsh mi 2000 sali ba complant kel,tya nanatr ayushyt dusr konthi collage pahil ki mla amchya pvp collage chi athvn yete,kdhi kdhi collagevrti jato pn tya grdit mla maje june mitr kdhi tri bhet til hich vedi apekshya mnat thevun jato ani nirash houn prt yeto
  • The collage(Jr) 11 & 12th batch started from 1980 at SM High school building, Mr. Nandu Sonawane, Mr. Gurav .....1st batch student of those time, in 1981/82 collage shifted to Shirolkar home / barrack, (Back side of Boys hostel (Boarding).............Rajendra Vishnu Patil,
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This article was last modified 15 years ago