Sophia High School mount abu (Mount Abu)

India / Rajasthan / Mount Abu
 school, secondary education
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Glynis, Anissa, Graziella, Lysandra, Lianne, Melissa, went to school here. Class of 1993
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Coordinates:   24°35'23"N   72°42'21"E


  • Proud of my school(Panna Patel)Hi
  • Miss those beautiful days spent here
  • Those were the best days;I wish I could go back and study there.....
  • i am proud to to be studied in this school
  • hi sophians, i am proud that i have suudied in this school. sister yevon was our principal , and mrs gopal krishna was our hindi teacher. she was vere gentle and humble teacher and was respected by all the students. i often remember those days many a times and feel that those days may come back. i had a bench partner sandra desuza i remember her because she was very helpful to me and shared nasta with me in recess. if she reads this message surely reply me on my yahoo id kapbrd
  • i am really prousd i studied in sophia i just miss those days i want just go back 2 my past i just passed after 2 years i miss sir ahelnath and all the teachers so much
  • hi sophians, I taught computers with tamanna in ur school in1992-94. Sis verona was the principal.we stayed in the school campus in the teachers cottage near the playground.I do remember anisa mellisa they were in x that year. Cannot forget anamika choudhary,kinjal patel hemal patel. Shirley patel,jagruti singh- class v. Long walks with the kids,school fest,hot spot rest. at nakki lake etc. Cannot forget the tea time snacks of pattice and biscuits. In rains some green worms would be everywhere and kids would call it haribuji.Good memories of sis.anche.There are so many fond memories I wish all the sophians good luck.
  • Hi my name is Parthvi as well and I used to go to sophia 5 years ago.
  • Hey! Mother Yevonne was our principal and Ms Gopalkrishna taught us Hindi.Excellent Teacher.Thanks to all the teachers Ms Roshan, Ms Evelyn, Ms Merlyn,Ms Santosh, Mrs Agarwal,Sister Verona, Sister Jovita, Sister Bernadine last but not the least all our peons Hema, Natha, Bishopchacha....I wish I could go see all of them again. God Bless everybody who taught us good stuff. My Neice Nandini Chaudry is now in Sophia std 1 Ms Roshan's class feels extremely good that the teacher who taught us is teaching my sister's daughter. I am extemely proud of my school and having studied in one of the best school.We definitely stand out to be different among lot of people. I am proud to be Ex Sophian.Thanks to my Parents who worked hard for us to afford a good school for us.
  • Hi my name is Christabel and I studied at Sophia Mt Abu. Loved it and thanks to all the nuns and teachers that have been a big part of my life (10 years!) finished i think in 1977! I am hoping to get in touch with some of the ex students!
  • Hi,I passed out in '72.They were the best years of my life.We had a blast with midnight feasts et all.Sophia gave us a lot for our future.I really miss those days.
  • Hi,my name is Saniya and I passed out in 2010.I'm proud to be a sophian... i miss those days and really wanna go back to that beautiful institution... Sister Helen was the principal. She is really very loving, kind and respected by all. she is the best person I've ever met. Thank you sister for everything and also for being what you are. Thanks to everyone!
  • missing my school and boarding a lot and i am proud to be an sophian and i will never forget the masti done during school hours
  • i am proud to be a sophian
  • sophia is the best in the world and i am very proud to be a sophian
  • miss sophia a lot nothing like sophia in the world just loveeeeeeee it
  • I love it and have stuied here for 4 years.
  • Wonderful school !...miss it so much. Our walk uniforms were beautiful..rememember those treks to plummy hill, kodra dam,and all over Abu. Sister Lucia, who taught us the piano, sister bernadene, sister brenda, sister salesia, sister verona..mrs agarwal, mrs santosh ..and so many more...they all gave us so much.
  • i'm proud 2 B a sophian.. aftr.. 10th also i wnt 2 study here only....
  • Hi Sophians I studied in Sophia from the year 1956 to 62. My best years and the wonderful school which I can never forget. Sister Jokima was Sister Superior and the teachers were Miss Dias, Mrs Sharma, Miss Massey Sister Alice and many more. My class mates names, Smita Desai, Usha Patel, Bhagwati Patel, Himmi and many more. Thanks Minakshi Chakraborty
  • hi jainandini m Bharti shah do uremember me
  • Hi Christabel. Is your surname Almeida?
  • Hey Sophians, I started school in 1970 (Yikes!!! makes me feel really old, since it is 2016 !!) and went on for 6 years, graduating in 1975. I remember Sister terazina, caz she always asked me which colour bucket I wanted for that day. ( to gather the tears that flowed ) I remember the uniforms, and the walks we had every weekend either to Sunset Point, or around Nakki lake!! Oh those were the days!!!
  • Hi, my email id Ex-Sophians can contact me. Thanks
  • Hi I am rajeshri Twin sister rekha and rajeshri and elder sister alpa My dad constructed the new dometry and refectory Sister lucia taught us panio and singing Remember putting three finger in mouth open wide and sing Sister bernadenr taught us painting on canvas in the room after crossing the study room above labell dom Lots to remember Wonderful moments Best was the bullbulls
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This article was last modified 13 years ago