India / Uttaranchal / Ramnagar / DRawat-2008rediffmail .com
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Village Timla kholi-: village timla kholi name is derived from word "Timla"("ANJIR" HINDI NAME)Village population is dominated by "KUKLIYAL RAWAT".
Nearby cities:
Coordinates:   29°44'6"N   79°1'51"E


  • Timla (Ficus auriculata) has many varieties- fruits ripening into fleshy sweet honey like and very deliceous, another one not sweet and juicy. Pl specify which variety is growing there, if it the first one I will like to visit Timlakholi to taste it. My vill is also marked here and lies in Pauri Garhwal.(01346 254066 email- rawats@gmail.com)
This article was last modified 16 years ago