Mount Hatis (2528 m.)

Armenia / Kotayk / Kaputan /
 mountain, volcano, ridge
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Hatis also Hadis or Shamirami Lerr (Armenian: Հատիս, Հադիս, Շամիրամի լեռ) is a volcanic massif in Kotayk province of Armenia, at northeastern part of Kotayk plateau. Elevation is 2528 meters above sealevel. Its slopes having conical structure indented with numerous gorges. There are a lot of rocky formations consisting of Paleogene lavas and perlites.
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Coordinates:   40°18'49"N   44°43'27"E


  • this is Hatis mountain, please correct this entry Hatis mountain info in armenian :Հատիս_(լեռ)
  • If you have the correct info, why don't you? Just click "Edit"...
  • Looks like Hatis mountain in the Ghegam Ridge, I will ask Aragast13 to to see after.
This article was last modified 10 years ago