Shri Laxmi Venkataramana Temple,Bagalwad.

India / Karnataka / Manvi / Bagalwad -Ballatagi Road, 1
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Sukshetra Bagalwada is famous for the Swayamvyakta LaxmiVenkataramana Temple,which is situated on the top of the Hill.Beneath the hill Hanuman temple is present, surounded by the Stone mantapas.Lord venkataramana came here from Tirumala and shown Brahmotsava to mother of Great Jagannathadasa,who wrote Harikathamrutasara."Nodide Venkata ramanana Dwarawada Gramadi Ninta Devana"-is the Devara naama(Dasara pada) written by Sri Shyamasundaradasa.Every year according to hindu calender Chaitra shuddha Chaturdashi,Pournime,Bahula Pratipade 3 days JATRA will be arranged by PATWARI FAMILY of Bagalwad. This is a must see place for Hindu piligrimers.Sri Susheelendrateertha of Ryaramutt,Sri Satyadhyanateertha of Uttaradi mutt,SriVidyamanyateertha of Palimaru-Bhandarkeri mutt visited this place.In the year 2003 new Maha Ratha inaugurated by H.H. Sri Sushameendrateertha and Sri Suvidyendrateerha of Mantralayam.
Bus facility is there from Manvi and Kavithal.
There are so many tourist places nearby to visit like Byagawat&Manvi (Jagannathadasaru),Cheekalparvi(Vijayadasaru),Hutii (Gold Mines),Mudagal (Fort&temples), Gurugunta (Amareshwara), Maski(Ashok’sShasana), Kallur(Mahalaxmi),Places near Raichur(Mudumale,Jitamitragadde,Shaktinagara,Etc.)
Panchamukki(Pranadevaru),Bicchali(Appannacharyaru) and Mantralayam.
Come and visit once Shriskhetra Bagalwad.
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Coordinates:   16°3'26"N   76°53'36"E


  • Hi,friends am channabasava.i like this place and this is famous by jagannatadasar who born in Byagwat.
This article was last modified 17 years ago