Madarasa Mazhar-Ul-Uloom Arabic College

India / Karnataka / Shimoga /
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This madarasa is based out of shimoga and it was established more than 50 years ago.
More that 125+ students are there all round the year with teaching,food & hostel facilities provided.
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Coordinates:   13°55'40"N   75°32'42"E


  • This is where future terrorists are trained: they are trained here by teaching only and brainwashing is done to destroy the world/India except Muslims. then they are sent for other training. Madrasas are breeding ground of terrorists.
  • I think you are yet to wake up and look whats happing and who is making all these stuffs. The main culprits are some body else who are dictating this world on there own terms.Just to wake you up study the history Middle-east peace process and look what is happining there. I think you will come to know who the real terrorists ARE.
This article was last modified 9 years ago