Painesville United Methodist Church (Painesville, Ohio)

USA / Ohio / Painesville / Painesville, Ohio / North Park Place, 71
 methodist church  Add category

71 North Park Place
Painesville, Ohio 44077
Phone: (440) 354-3642
Fax (440) 354-0146

The present site of the Painesville United Methodist Church was selected under the pastorate of Rev. J.S. Youmans. The lot was purchased from George Steele for $10,000. This lot is on the north side of the Park next to the home of Renssalaer Gate. The work for the construction of the church was begun in the spring of 1873. The contract for laying the foundation and cutting the stone for the building was let to Messrs. Snyder and Wilhelm of Akron for $8,000. This contract was completed and the corner stone laid with ceremonies held October 15, 1873. It was an ideal October day, and a large congregation of people gathered under the brilliant maple trees. The music was furnished by the church choir, with E. H. Merrill as director. The Rev. D.C. Osborne, the Presiding Elder, made the principal address. Rev. Youmans was the minister and Mr. E.G. Young, superintendent of the Sunday School.

The cornerstone contains the following items:

o Early records of the church and society
o Names of the Presiding Elders of the district, pastors, superintendents of the Sunday School, trustees, etc.
o Names of the various churches in Painesville
o A list of subscribers to the building fund
o Copies of the Bible, Hymn Book, Minutes of the Annual Conference and various other periodicals of the church; and
o Copies of the Painesville Telegraph, and various other documents

The contract for the completion of the church, exclusive of the interior was let to I. J. Lewis of Cleveland for $36,000. The bricks were furnished by DeForest Brooks and were laid by James Shelby, both of Painesville. The work was begun June 1, 1874 and was completed by September of 1874. It was pronounced the finest piece of masonry in Painesville.
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Coordinates:   41°43'31"N   81°14'39"W
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