Richmond, Virginia

USA / Virginia / Richmond /
 city, capital city of state/province/region, former national capital

City with an estimated population of 200,123 in 2007. Capital of the Commonwealth of Virginia and third largest city in the state. An independent city not part of any county. Originally the site of a Powhatan town. English settlers first arrived at this location in 1607 on an expedition from Jamestown. The first English settlement was in 1609 at West Fort, but the area was abandoned due to Powhatan attacks. In 1645 the British built Fort Charles here as a frontier defense on the highest navigable point on the river, and settlement began in earnest. Founded in 1737 by William Byrd, whose father had been granted the land and plotted by William Mayo. Named for Richmond, England because the view of the James River at the site was thought to be similar to the view of the Thames River in the city English namesake. Incorporated as a town in 1742. The state capital was moved here in 1780 from Williamsburg to protect it from the British, but it was burned by British troops in 1781. Grew in the 19th century due to its important position on the James River and related canal system, becoming an industrial and commercial hub, as well as a major shipment point in the transatlantic slave trade.

Richmond served as the capital of the Confederate States of America, and many important American Civil War landmarks remain in the city today, including the Virginia State Capitol (designed by Thomas Jefferson) and the White House of the Confederacy. A quarter of the city was burned by Union bombardment and retreating Confederate troops in the last stages of the Civil War. Rebuilt in ensuing years.


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Coordinates:   37°31'36"N   77°29'34"W


  • Was also the capital of the CSA from 1861-1865
  • Nothin' like the RVA.
  • a.k.a. Cap City and Fist City