Bet Dwarka Island | hinduism

India / Gujarat / Okha /
 island, hinduism

Bet Dwarka was the residence of Bhagwan Sri Krishna.
Bet Dwarka Island, also known as Bet Shankhodhara, is situated in the Gulf of Kutch. The island has a temple dedicated to Lord Krishna. Early historic settlement remains have been located on the island which may be dated back to 3rd century BC on the basis of a potsherd inscribed with 'Nandakasa' in the Mauryan Brahmi script. Do look for:
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Coordinates:   22°26'58"N   69°7'1"E


  • LORD KRISHNA HOME IN bet Dwarika Bet Dwarka was the residence of Bhagwan Sri Krishna. This is the place where Lord Krishna was staying. This is the same place where Sudama meet him and gave "Bhet" (Gift) of "Tandul-POHA" (Rice). So it is call "Bhet-Dwarka" also. Bet Dwarka Island, also known as Bet Shankhodhara, is situated in the Gulf of Kutch. The island has a temple dedicated to Lord Krishna. Early historic settlement remains have been located on the island which may be dated back to 3rd century BC on the basis of a potsherd inscribed with 'Nandakasa' in the Mauryan Brahmi script. INDIAN OCENOGRPHY HAS REVEALED THE MARINE UNDER WATER REMAINS OF OLD CITY OF DWARILA WICH IS 3000BC. Born in Dwapur Yug (Iron Age) ON JANMASTHAMI (SAVAN VAD ASTHAMI 3228 BC AT MIDNIGHT OF MATHURA - NOT MIDNIGHT OF PRSENT IST). MATHURA MIDNIGHT IS 18 MINUTES LATER THAN THATS OF IST SO TIME WAS 12:18 AM IST MIDNIGHT TIME ON JANMASTHAMI SAVAN VAD ASTHAMI. According to some scholars, Krishna was born on Wednesday,the eighth day of second fortnight in Sravana month in the year of Visvavasu around 3227 BC, also known as Dwapur Yug. July 19th 3228 BC to be more accurate. kRISHNA lived for 125 years and disappeared on February 18th 3102 BC on the new moon night (bij- DWIJ) of Phalguna. FALGUN SUD DWIJ , AT THE PLACE CALLED MOKSH PIPALA IN BHALKA TIRTH IN SOMNATHPATAN VERAVAL. From Shubhakrit Pushya Full Moon Day to Bahudhanya Pushya Full Moon Day, it was 36 years and adding 0-2-15 days, it was Pramadi Bright 1st Day, when Kailyug started and Shri Krishna finished his Avatar. (B.C 3102-2-20 at 2-27-30 P.M) 61. Seven days later, on Bright 7th Day, Dwarka city was submerged by the Ocean. Saptarishis were in Magha Star, 75 years prior to Kaliyug and remained there for 25 years after Kaliyug. Dr.BHUDIA-Science Group Of INDIA . President:' Kutch Science Foundation'. Founder :' Kutch Amateurs Astronomers Club - Bhuj - Kutch '. Life Member:'kutch Itihaas Parishad'. Do visit our ABOVE Clubs/Groups of Science club of India, Science Group of India & kutch science foundation and ALSO JOIN US.
  • The Birthday of Krishna can't be July 19th because in the month Shraavana, the Sun should transit Simha Raashi, which starts on August 17th. Karkataka Raashi would have started on 17th or 18th July. This means that the earliest that the month Shraavana can begin is 18th July. Krishna was born on Krishnapaksha Ashtami Rohini. If you are using Purnimanta calander, this would be the eighth day of Shraavana, but the nearest it can go to that is second day. If you are using Amavasyanta calander, this would be the 23rd day of Aashaadha. And if in the month, the Sun transits both Karkataka and Simha, it would be Aashaadha-Shraavana kshaya and not Shraavana. If you are calculating this with the Shaka era given in the calendars, that is not original. Moreover, we observe Shree Krishna Jayanti in late August or early September. 19th July 3228 BC was a Thursday. I don't know about the nakshatra, but if 19th is Ashtami, then there is a possibility that 26th July is Amavasya, and then 8th August is Paurnami. If that is so, then 15th August 3228 BCE could have been Ashtami. That was a Wednesday. It falls two days before the Sun transits into Simha, so it is in Shraavana. And Krishna Jayantis fall nearer to that every year. It was 20th August in CE 2005. If you think that 19th July was a Wednesday, then maybe when you calculated, there would have been a year 0 between BCE 1 and CE 1. Actually there isn't. If you calculated like that, you got the result for 19th July BCE 3229. That, I agree, was a Wednesday.
  • пару лет назад,в море в 3х км от берега на глубине в 15-20м были найдены руины легендарного города Кришны Дварака, по легендам , его атаковали с воздуха на неких объектах некие демоны имя одного Шалва,, атака была в виде молний и огненных стрел (ничего не напоминает?) когда город начал гореть, Кришна сбил огненным копьём то, на чём летали эти "демоны", после Кришна покинул землю, и его город затонул в море. Это была легенда, но руины на глубине и следы пожаров на руинах, говорят о том, что мифы это какая то забытая реальность.Датировка органики из под руин, говорит о том, что город затонул примерно в 4-5 тысячелетии до н.э. то есть 6-7 тысяч лет назад .Если почитать индийские мифы (рамаяна, махабхарата), то там можно провести аналогию со многими современными технологическими устройствами, описание летающих машин,огненные "стрелы" и так далее, наводит на мысли ,о том,что на земле в далёком прошлом была жизнь очень похожая на современную,но потом кем то уничтоженную.
This article was last modified 8 years ago