Government Inter College, Dhokaney

India / Uttaranchal / Rudrapur /
 school, government intermediate college (GIC)

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Coordinates:   29°31'35"N   79°34'2"E


  • perfect education center with tradition nd culture .thanks g.i.c.dhokaney
  • its so beautiful
  • Hi,I am D N Suyal. Had done my Intermediate from Dhokaney when there was no building at all. Feel good today there is a huge building and other facilities including transportable road. Wish sometime to visit the Alma mater and see the area once again after many years. Wish all the best to students.
  • I learn there i learn speech there i learn listening there i love those days when i was there
  • NAMASKAAR,Manju bhandari, its not just a school for me, its my pray and play ground, this school not only teach me, he learned me how can i respect r teachers and how can i reached in my dream, how can i success and how i do remember r worship for my struggle, and what i say about my teacher's only one word great, thanks for giving me a chance for being a part of this school, mt identity started in this school, i want to come again and i shouid be a part of my school, i proud its my honour i m the student of this school,,,,,my father shri Ishwari Singh Bhandari was hindi teacher in G.I.C. Dhokaney, its a great thing 4 me and i want to each student make sure our dream and reached it,,best of luck and my memory of this school is memoriable
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This article was last modified 10 years ago