alampallam village

India / Tamil Nadu / Pattukkottai /
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Alampallam village has got a majority of Tamil Brahmin Population. It has got many temples which are centuries old.She got a buetifull palace which has 150 years of history

Dear Sirs,
I do not know who started this webpage. The Alampallam in this image is stated to be in Pattukkottai, Tamil Nadu. The sentence posted above probably refers to the old village by name Alampallam in Kollengode, Palakkad District, Kerala. That is why some of the Gentlemen who commented on the subject were confused. Anyway, what is in a name ? We are all part of this great country called India. I have been to the Alampallam in Palakkad and till 1980s a majority of the families there were brahmins. Now, other community members are also there. By the grace of God, all people are united and are happy. As per some forum, the World over, Mayors of cities which have an identical name, interact and do travel to meet their counterpart on the other side of the world. Likewise, let me take this opportunity to greet the people of Alampallam, and the achievers (stated in the postings), a happy and peaceful time.

Kindly remember to protect and preserve Nature.
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Coordinates:   10°28'55"N   79°19'51"E


  • good village in pattukkottai area.... by raja rajeswari rathisha sharjah u a e
  • i think, this is wrongly marked
  • Near Panchayat Board Alampallam
  • By the way, Alampallam has no 'Brahmin' population.Its a wrong info. Majority are vellalars. (Musuntha naadu)
  • The first graduate of alampallam is myself( chemistry 1970).I have been residing in this place since 1948.
  • Mr.Ramanathan is the first person to receive Phd from alampallam.
  • venkatachalam hails from this village. He is an Orthopedic surgeon in Chennai.
  • Hi Dear's See our Area site welcome your feed back to
  • realy evergreen my village Alampallam singapore
  • alampallam awaiting kumbabhishekam
  • sending greetings to all alampallam natives
  • It is a smsll village ,majarity of the people are agriculturist,many of them are musukunda velalar community.It is situated near Pattukkottai Taluk.Many of them are working in foreign countries like Singapore and U.A.E. As many of the people are rich so Alampallam has a nick name called chinna singapore also kutti dubai. 1. Kasinathan.R is the first post graduate degree (M.A) holder. 2.My daughter Chitradevi is the first M.B.A degree holder. 3.My daughter Priyadevi is the first medical graduate (B.H.M.S)
  • near pachiamman temble
  • hai
  • can anyone help me to know that where is the mariamman temple in alampallam in palakkad district
  • MY NAME IS allampallam venkiteswaran radhakrishnan my fater was from allampallam and we dont know our kuladeivam family GOD TEMPLE, one of our priest said that it was a DEVI TEMPLE near some ponds (kulam) can anyone find for us our family GOD so that we can go there and i dont know in which district it is situated if any one knows plese mail me to
  • it seems that our family GOD temple is situatated or some river or pond side there are two temples near by and the one DEVI temple which is very adjacent to river side is our temple the priest says, so plse anyone can find plse reply to my mail
  • alampallam in palakkad is a beautiful village, still wit a majority of Brahmin population.
  • well the above statement is a true fact, this s what my grandmother and grandfather told me ,,, it is the musuntham nadu , where musundha charabarthi a small pallava king ruled this musundha nadu... many a bharamins lived in this place and others community people where slaves in those period..near pattukkottai tk. once the king was affected by leproze or some sort of skin disease were ther waas no cure , so many vaytheir(medicine practionalist) came and could not treat the king s disease so , even his family left him. with great sorrow the king left the kingdom with his trust worthy dog... who was also infected by the kings disease. on the way the dog ran and jumped into a pond (kulam)and and when the dog came out of the pond his disease was totally cured.. seeing this the king also jumped into the pond and found himself cured so he went back to his kingdom and orderd his people to check out into the pond and find out how this miracle happened.. so inside the pond they found the Siva linga... and with that linga the musri shiva temple was built..the old temple had the the style of pallvan archetecture which is destroyed and now constructed with the support of 32 musri village people its construction was amasing ...this remains to be the god family temple of many people who relly dont know. allampallam is the nearby village of musri where the bhramins lived but during a period there was cholera where the entire people got affected and died and the rest evacuvated the place and left to far places. rest of the people cherished the other communities and now there is no bhramin in the entire the pattabishegam for the shivan temple was give to the landlord of allampallam during that time.. where even today on thypusam this is followed by the their hier ..(rama vellalar) renga vellalar.....famaliy.
  • @ A.V.RADHAKRISHAN (guest) Hi Radhakrishnan, Almost all the Devi kavu has a pond/River near to temple. But there is a famous devi kovil called meenkulathi amman kovil located in pallasena Other two kavu i know is Parakkadu devi kovil, kavassery and perungottu bhagavathi temple near elavanchery
  • Dear Mr.Radhakrishnan, my grand mother and his uncles are lived in Allampallam, Puthugramam near Ganapathy Temple all are no more. As for my knowledge all these village people Kuladeivam is Manapully Kavu, which is having a big Kulam. Adn one more thing I remember the Manapuly Kavu near Palghat town is started by Brahmins of these village and near by village as per my knowledge. My mother belongs to Nellapally Village, Near Chithoor for them also Manapully Kavu is the mein deity/
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This article was last modified 14 years ago