Fulda Gap

Germany / Hessen / Rasdorf /
 military, Cold War 1947-1991, historical layer / disappeared object

Likely invasion route of Soviet Forces in a projected World War Three.
Nearby cities:
Coordinates:   50°44'42"N   9°54'47"E


  • Such remarks should not be allowed - it's dangerous nonsense.
  • During the Cold War, the Fulda Gap was long considered a principal assault route for the Red Army should hostilities ever have started. It was a major reason that US and West German Army units regularly practiced for the defence of the region. It is also a major reason why two US A-10 squadrons and likewise 2 UK Harrier equiped squadrons were stationed within easy striking distance. Kalendertyp - learn your history. Thousands of German, British and US forces were stationed in this area for decades to protect keep a Cold War from becoming hot.
  • Русские уже давно пришли к вам, причём с той стороны, с которой вы их и не ждали :)))
  • So a historic job-creation program for soldiers
This article was last modified 8 years ago