Wetar Island

East Timor / Baucau /

The island politically belongs to Maluku province of Indonesia.

The tropical island Wetar belongs to the Indonesian province Maluku and is the largest island of the Barat Daya Islands (literally Southwest Islands). It lies east of the Lesser Sunda Islands, which include nearby Alor and Timor, but is considered part of the Maluku Islands. To the south, across the Wetar Strait, lies the island of Timor; at its closest it is 56 km away. To the west, across the Ombai Strait, lies the island of Alor. To the southwest is the very small island of Liran and, further, the small East Timorese island of Atauro. To the north is the Banda Sea and to the east lie Romang and Damar, the other principal islands of the Barat Daya Islands.

The principal cities on Wetar are Lioppa in the northwest, Ilwaki in the south, Wasiri in the north, Masapun in the east, and Arwala in the northeast. These are connected by roads.
Nearby cities:
Coordinates:   7°47'8"S   126°18'50"E


  • GOLD MINE IN WETAR ISLAND COMES STARTS FULL OPERATION The gold mine in the island of Wetar has started full operation with a production capacity of 2 tons of gold/year, beginning this month. The gold mine is managed by PT Prima Lirang Mining - a joint venture with Billiton International Metals, involving an investment of US$ 40 million. Besides gold, the company will produce 65 tons of silver, 10 tons of mercury and 100,000 tons of barite oer year. Earlier, PT Prima Lirang Mining has been engaged in gold mining in the island of Larokis, covering an area of 4,000 hectares. The mine in island of Wetar is the base of gold mining activities in Maluku and is the second biggest gold mine in Indonesia the gold mine of Freeport Indonesia in Tembagapura, Irian Jaya. (HN/27/IV/91)
  • Traslate to Indonesia : TAMBANG EMAS DI Pulau Wetar DATANG mulai beroperasi LENGKAP. Tambang emas di Pulau Wetar telah mulai beroperasi penuh dengan kapasitas produksi 2 ton emas / tahun, awal bulan ini. Tambang emas dikelola oleh PT Prima Lirang Mining - perusahaan patungan dengan Billiton Logam Internasional, yang melibatkan investasi sebesar US $ 40 juta. Selain emas, perusahaan akan memproduksi 65 ton perak, 10 ton merkuri dan 100.000 ton tahun barit oer. Sebelumnya, PT Prima Lirang Mining telah terlibat dalam pertambangan emas di Pulau Wetar yang berlokasi di Lerokis, seluas 4.000 hektar. Tambang di Pulau Wetar adalah dasar dari kegiatan pertambangan emas di Maluku dan merupakan tambang emas terbesar kedua di Indonesia tambang emas Freeport Indonesia di Tembagapura, Irian Jaya. (27, April 1991).
  • The island politically belongs to Maluku province of Indonesia. The tropical island Wetar belongs to the Indonesian province Maluku and is the largest island of the Barat Daya Islands (literally Southwest Islands). It lies east of the Lesser Sunda Islands, which include nearby Alor and Timor, but is considered part of the Maluku Islands. To the south, across the Wetar Strait, lies the island of Timor; at its closest it is 56 km away. To the west, across the Ombai Strait, lies the island of Alor. To the southwest is the very small island of Liran and, further, the small East Timorese island of Atauro. To the north is the Banda Sea and to the east lie Romang and Damar, the other principal islands of the Barat Daya Islands. The principal cities on Wetar are Lioppa in the northwest, Ilwaki in the south, Wasiri in the north, Masapun in the east, and Arwala in the northeast. These are connected by roads. ================================================ Pulau ini secara politis milik provinsi Maluku dari Indonesia. Pulau tropis Wetar milik Provinsi Indonesia Maluku dan merupakan pulau terbesar di Kepulauan Barat Daya (secara harfiah Southwest Kepulauan). Ini terletak di sebelah timur Kepulauan Sunda Kecil, yang meliputi Alor dan Timor di dekatnya, tetapi dianggap bagian dari Kepulauan Maluku. Di sebelah selatan, melintasi Selat Wetar, terletak pulau Timor; di terdekatnya itu adalah 56 km. Untuk barat, melintasi Selat Ombai, terletak pulau Alor. Ke barat daya adalah pulau yang sangat kecil Pulau Liran dan, lebih lanjut, pulau Timor kecil Atauro. Di sebelah utara adalah Laut Banda dan di timur laut Romang dan Damar, pulau-pulau utama lainnya dari Kepulauan Barat Daya. Kota-kota utama di Wetar adalah Lioppa di barat laut, Ilwaki di selatan, Wasiri di utara, Masapun di timur, dan Arwala di timur laut. Ini dihubungkan oleh jalan-jalan.