the old Albany Public School 17 (Albany, New York)

USA / New York / Rensselaer / Albany, New York

This school was built in 1875 and served the growing South End up until the 1970's. The style is a cross between ornate Victorian and stark utilitarian. Notice the fancy use of the brick. Located on the corner of Stephen and Second Avenue this Old School needs extensive rehabilitation. It was nearly doubled in size early in the last century. This part of Albany was at one time part of Bethlehem and was the site of a school built in 1856.
Nearby cities:
Coordinates:   42°38'17"N   73°45'43"W


  • what are they going to do with this old school? they should referbish is and use it again as a school i went to this school from Kindergarten thru sixth grade
This article was last modified 16 years ago