
Romania / Sibiu / Axente Sever / Strada Fabricilor, 1
 metallurgy, pollution, mining, lead production / processing, zinc mine/processing, smelter

Zinc and lead factory

The problem
Copsa Mica was one of Europe’s most polluted towns in the 1990s and remains the most polluted town in Romania to this day. Two factories Carbosin that produced carbon black and Sometra, a non-ferrous metallurgical smelter were behind this pollution. Carbosin shut down in 1993 but the smelter is still operational.

Health Impact
Out of 2,972 people tested in the area, 1,570 showed symptoms of lead poisoning. Newborn children have twice the safe levels of lead in their bodies. Since 1983, 2,000 people have been hospitalized for lead poisoning. A few patients have been paralyzed because their brains were full of lead. 96% of children aged between two and 14 have chronic bronchitis and respiratory problems. The life expectancy in this town is nine years below the national average of 63 years.
There is widespread lung disease, impotence, the highest infant mortality rate in Europe, lead poisoning, reduced lung function, and neurobehavioral problems. The health risk from the smelter is considered so high by the government that the retirement age is 45, compared to 62 years nationally.
Nearby cities:
Coordinates:   46°7'2"N   24°13'23"E


  • S.O.S.
  • aici e problema
  • The smeltery that is responsible for much of the pollution in the area.
  • cel mai poluat loc din romania
  • Dupa Carbosin, acum decedat, a mai ramas o sursa de poluare mult mai periculoasa. Aici se prepara plumb si zinc, dar si alte metale grele, inclusiv unele radioactive, care se gasesc in minereurile complexe extrase din zonele eruptive. Desi scopul "declarat" este acela de a extrage metalele rare folosite in nanotehnologii (ceriu, neodim, praseodim, samariu, terbiu, ytriu etc.), dar si metale nobile (aur, argint, platina, paladiu) existente in aceleasi minereuri, productia de baza este aceea de plumb si zinc, plumbul fiind deosebit de toxic. Construirea inainte de 1989 a unui cos de 250 m inaltime nu elimina poluarea, ci doar disperseaza poluantul pe o arie mai mare!
This article was last modified 3 years ago