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Rhine Ordnance Barracks (Kaiserslautern)

Germany / Rheinland-Pfalz / Katzweiler / Kaiserslautern
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Site of Rhine Ordnance Barracks in 1960's
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Coordinates:   49°26'38"N   7°41'33"E


  • raydg
    Also home of Detachment D, 42nd MP Group (Customs) during the late 1970's-1980's
  • mepsione
    ROB is still in use in 2011. Large buildings used to house equipment for REFORGER.
  • mike goeman (guest)
    i lived here from 1976-1979. Stationed at 540th dispensary.
  • Taber (guest)
    there back in '94 with 94th ADA BDE
  • F.Dehmer (guest)
    I was serving in the 546 th Ord.Co. DS from june 1962 untill Aug.1964, I would like to know whwat or where this great unit is now.
  • Richard Kowalski Veteran (guest)
    I was assigned to the 546th Ord. Co. from May 1963 to Sept 1965. I believe the 546th has been disbanned. The most exciting time was Tent City and the 8th Army Rifle and Pistol Matches. I was on the Battalion Pistol Team. Seperated in 1965.
  • Doug L. (guest)
    I was assigned to the 57th Ord Bde, Sep. to Dec. 1965. After the football season was over, was transferred to the 501st Ord/Ammo Co., (Gerszewski Barracks) at Karlsruhe, Dec 1965 to May 1966. Then I was levied back to the States and reassigned as Permanent Party, Ft. Gordon, GA until I ETS'd in Feb 1968.
  • Cara B (guest)
    To F. Dehmer, and Richard Kowalski, did either of you know my mom, Judie Hume? She was a civilian and worked in recreation. I know she was both in Worms and Kaiserslautern from 1962-1964. She recently passed and I was looking through her old photos. She looked so marvelously happy then and I was wondering if anyone could share some memories from that time period. I miss her so much. Thank you! Judie's daughter, Cara
  • Cara B (guest)
    I stand corrected. My mom, Judie Hume, worked in Special Services, not recreation. Thank you for your time.
  • Larry Richards
    Was in 8th Maint Bln, ROB, 1967 thru 1968. Would like to know how to get a shoulder patch from that era. COMZ EUR. Probably impossible. But you never know. Will check back in later.
  • Bill Edmundson (guest)
    was stationed at Headquarters Company 57th Ordnance Brigade May 66 - May 69, think unit was disbanded
  • John Hook
    Arrived in April 1963 assigned to the 558th Arty Vehicle Park (AVP#2) ROB. 1965 assigned to 546th Ord Co ROB - then to Co B 66th Maintenance Bn Pulaski. Changed to Aviation MOS in 1966. Went back to visit ROB and K-Town in 1993 as a military (Army Guard) side trip while on Annual Training in Belgium, not a lot of major changes. Good memories.
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This article was last modified 14 years ago