
Serbia and Montenegro / Central Serbia / Presevo /
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Lojane (Macedonian: Лојане, Albanian: Llojan) is a village in the municipality of Lipkovo, Republic of North Macedonia with a population of 2682 ethnic Albanians.
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Coordinates:   42°13'58"N   21°40'1"E


  • The name of the village is Lojane/Лојане.It's located in the Republic of Macedonia in the municipality of Lipkovo/Липково.It's not in Presevo, Serbia. Please edit the location with the correct information (especially the names). Thank you.
  •  34 km
  •  70 km
  •  126 km
  •  214 km
  •  283 km
  •  317 km
  •  324 km
  •  336 km
  •  428 km
  •  467 km