"Broken Arrow Ranch"

USA / California / Portola Valley / Alston Road, 614
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Coordinates:   37°21'56"N   122°19'3"W


  • He is Canadian but Married an American and been living there for years.
  • Sustainable?
  • I have a problem understanding why Neil owns & drives so many gas-guzzling old cars! Just read his autobiography & Neil sure loves his cars!!! Which makes his environmentalism somewhat suspect.
  • Oh, you mean the 1959 Lincoln Continental he turned into an electric car? That kind of "gas guzzler," bev?
  • I dont quote get what they mean, "at the end of Bear Gulch Rd", that road goes from La Honda Rd all the way to Skyline Blvd. Which point is "the end"?
  • Truer words were never spoken. Right, wrong and reality is as timeless as the universe. Unfortunately we try and change the meanings of those things in the name of something called "progress."
  • if you drive down bear gulch road it ends at neil's electric "combination needed" gate in the road. there is about a mile gap in the road, then it starts up again. neil doesn't own all the land behind his gate, but his 2 neighbors are AOK with the gate being there. gate looks like 3 board horse fence. if you go to google maps and follow bear gulch down from skyline blvd, you'll see the gate. gate tis nestled within the redwoods. I lived on one of his neighbor's farms for a year (15 yrs ago). heard him playing elec guitar a few (3) times (each time after horrific rain/wind storms...we got some nasty storms there in the hills... (to clarify. one cant drive from la honda rd to skyline. the map might show such, but in reality a mile of the road really isn't there. tis fenced-in private property instead.
  • i walked pretty far out, just had to see it..... i promptly turned around. at least its in my brain forever, didnt even need photo
  • What were you able to see Ceg from the point you reached?
  • I have seen it from the outside, we used to camp not too far from his ranch, back in the 70's he was raising buffalo there. My husband's band used to open up for him at time when he made impromptu performances in Santa Cruz. The ranch in in a beautiful place.
  • Neil left his wife after 36 years I think, and as a result gave her Broken Arrow Ranch. He lives in LA with his new wife Daryl Hannah. I live on bear gulch road.
  • If I wanted to go through by bike, could I? If I were to somehow make it past the fence, would I be shot??
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This article was last modified 8 years ago