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Rathnavali Balika Vidyalaya (Gampaha City)

Sri Lanka / Gampaha / Gampaha City
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Rathnavali Balika Vidyalaya, one of the most highly sought after girls’ schools in Sri Lanka, was founded by Sir Henry Steel Olcott, the initiator of Parama Vigngnanartha Buddhist Association, in 1947 with the objection of promoting the hidden aptitudes of the RBV girls through a conventional education into a respectable generation of ladies. After more than 6 decades, Rathnavali stands in the highest step of producing the most intelligent, perceptive and spirited young ladies to the country with a clear guidance from the current Head Mistress Mrs. H.A.H.Jayawadana.

RBV girls, who share a remarkable sisterhood with one another, swell with pride at the name of Rathnavali, which they strongly believe is their home with a large family with about 2500 siblings. Rathnavali is well known for its unique attribute of equality among all beings and the highly significant superiority of caring for peace and harmony. These valuable gems stand on the great pillars of numerous clubs and societies, sporting prospects, the equally exclusive education and of course the RBV OGA which Rathnavali possesses.

Contact details : 033 2222428

Rathnavali Balika Vidyalaya,
Colombo Road,
Nearby cities:
Coordinates:   7°5'21"N   80°0'5"E


  • Dinee (guest)
    I'm so Proud to be a Rathnavalian
  • csk (guest)
    It's a pressure to be a student of my school
  • chatjay
    appa college.I'm very proud
  • Thanuja (guest)
    I am proude to be a Rathnavalian. It was the best time of my life.
  • Yashodha (guest)
    I'm very proud be a Rathnawalian.I could select the path in my life because of you my dear school.
  • Anju (guest)
    wow......... The Best School in Gampaha
  • Sachintha
  • Sachintha
    Gampaha Gold Line Is BC(BC 4EVER) - I am a RC boy.
  • Madhusha (guest)
    Rathnavali is the Best!..............I love you
  • Madu (guest)
    I'm Proud to be a RATHNAWALIAN..... I love you sooooooooooooooo much Mother Rathnawali..
  • pinky (guest)
    R.B.v. is the best in the world.I love you sooooooooooooooo much.R.B.V. Forever.
  • manisha (guest)
    i m proud to be a rathnavalian.RATHNAVALIANS ARE THE BEST!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Nuwangi (guest)
    East or West Rathnawali is the best
  • Shyami (guest)
    I'm proud to be Rathnawalian.
  • Madusha (guest)
    Rathnawali is a very good school, but you destroyed my life without any fault of mine..... now everything is finished.I have build my life now in correct way....
  • thilni cunawardhane (guest)
    I m so proud to be a Rathnawalian. miss my all school mates 09' A/L batch.Sherrin ma'm,Vajira kumari ma'm,all.............. love you....... <3
  • Nuwanthi (guest)
    The pretiest girls in the whole world are in RBV. None can beat us. We are the best. Proud to be a Ratnawalian. I love u 4ever.
  • Rc boys (guest)
    we love rbv,coz rbv'ins are be crazy always !
  • NALISA PRABHASHANI Guest (guest)
    I Love my mother Rathnavali. you are the best. Miss you all '09 A/L Batch. lakshika madem, Anoma madem,Weththasinghe sir...... Love you all. god bless mother RATHNAVALI.
  • Malkanthi McQuillan (guest)
    I did all my schooling at Rathnawali Balika and still have fond memories, even it was well over 50 years ago when Mrs Rodrigo was the head teacher.
  • RBV Girl (guest)
    I love RBV. Glad I have 3 more years left to be here. R'YANZ $4EVER !!!!!!
  • Madhumali (guest)
    i don't like RBV.
  • RBV Girl (guest)
    Probably you are from another school.
  • danushi (guest)
    U are the best mother rathnawali.l love u so........ much
  • Panchali (guest)
    it is the best school in the world
  • Kalani (guest)
    RBV is the Best....!!! I Love RBV Soooo Much
  • Kavindi Dissanayaka (guest)
    Forward ever Backward never That's the power RBV rules for ever!!!!!!
  • Anu3 (guest)
    Mother RBV,u are like an ice-cream.I love u so much.R'YANZ forever*
  • Kavindi Dissanayaka (guest)
    Mother RBV You are the best!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Guest (guest)
    Thanks RBV for giving me a set of true friends whom I can trust!
  • Kavindi Dissanayaka (guest)
  • anu (guest)
    rbv grls r totally bitches. they dont even care about others. at the scl time rbv grls do porn, drinking alcohol, using drugs & watching xxx films etc. is that the proud ah?
  • RBV Girl (guest)
    Who says these rubbish? Are you jealous at our school? As a RBV Girl I know this is a lie.
  • anu (guest)
    not all girls. majoriti of rbv grls ara doing what I said. some bad, ugly pictures & videos that @ internet & ur rbv grls phones prooves it. so bcoz of them ur rbv mother is diying.
  • New (guest)
    I totally disagree. Considering with the other schools in Gampaha this is the best.
  • anu (guest)
    as a honest person I jst sd wht I saw to prepare ur wrong thngs & mistakes. bt non of u dont agree. so after this I nvr say enything. coz its useless.
  • Guest (guest)
    RBV is the best in O/L s. 113 9 A's.
  • pavithra (guest)
    u r the best.I love u somuch..........
  • sachini (guest)
    rbv A/L classes are like hotel rooms & liqure bars.
  • wajira (guest)
    best college of sri lanka
  • Guest (guest)
    Who says those rubbish. Our school is not like those things. RBV is the best. You are just jealous.
  • sachini (guest)
    fuck u mother fucker bitches....
  • 77 (guest)
    Who is this one telling rubbish? We can understand about your school from your words.
  • Poojani (guest)
    RBV is the best.I love my mother rathnavali.
  • Thehara (guest)
    I am proude be a rathnavalian. i love you sooooooooooooooooooo much.
  • Jayakody (guest)
    B.C IS THE FIST. My 4n 0750896622 cal me
  • Chamo (guest)
    B.C IS THE FIRST. My 4n 0750896622 cal me.
  • RBV (guest)
  • sena (guest)
    I love R.B.V.soooooooooooooooooo much.It is the best school in the world.
    Dear mother,I'm very proud to be a daughter of you...........
  • Aravindya & Arunodya weththasing (guest)
    PROUD TO BE A R A T H N A V A L I A N Z Z.....
  • RBV (guest)
    Wow!!!! Twins..........
  • asd (guest)
    fuck u rathnavali
  • RBV (guest)
  • anonymous (guest)
    i don't like the village folks at rbv,,
  • 100 Truth (guest)
    RBV is only best in O/L , but RBV is weak in A/L.The main reason for it is girls haven't brain..
  • RBV (guest)
    Rathnavali got the third place in All Island A/L Science results and the second place in All Island A/L Commerce and Art results.
  • RBV (guest)
    Congratulations Thepuli & Dulmini !!!!!!
  • rathnavalian (guest)
    i'm really proud to b a rathnavalian and i love my school a lot. i will never forget the golden days i spent their.long live mother rathnavali.......!
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This article was last modified 14 years ago