Mercedes-Benz Gravestone (Linden, New Jersey)

USA / New Jersey / Linden / Linden, New Jersey
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A gravestone located at 355 E. Linden Avenue, Linden, New Jersey. Ray Tse, Jr. fantasized as a teenager about getting a driver's license and owning a luxurious Mercedes Benz. Ray died in 1981 at the age of 15. His desire was posthumously and eerily fulfilled when his millionaire brother, David, commissioned a 36-ton granite memorial sculpted to resemble a full-size 1982 Mercedes Benz 2400 Diesel limousine.

On both the trunk and the front, granite vanity license plates read: "RAY TSE." The carving is meticulous, accurate in every detail, save for the missing hood ornament and sideview mirrors (which would have been too easy for vandals to snap off). Three stonecutters spent 1-1/2 years creating it from a 66-ton block of granite at Rock of Ages, Barre, VT.

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Coordinates:   40°38'17"N   74°14'19"W


This article was last modified 6 years ago