Modhera Surya Mandir Complex | hindu temple

India / Gujarat / Chanasma /
 hindu temple  Add category

It is a Heritage Site. The structure is getting damaged due to erosion and it is visible. Many of the beautiful arches are missing. The design of the arches is being replicated in many of the temples being constructed in Gujarat nowadays.

•As you enter the historical complex, you first come across the magnificent kund known as the Ramakund, built in rectangular shape containing 108 shrines to various gods and demi-gods. Check out the three main shrines positioned on the three sides of the kund, dedicated to Ganesh and Vishnu and an image of Lord Shiva dancing the ‘tandav’ facing the temple of the sun which covers the fourth side. Various shrines showcasing different mudras are arrayed along the staggered configuration of steps leading down to the base of the ‘Kund’.Try following the rhythmic ups and downs of the steps
•Walk up the steps to the ‘Sabha Mandap’ or the assembly and convene with sculpted renderings of twelve ‘Adityas’ (another name for the sun god). The twelve representations carved on the pillars represent the sun according to the
twelve months. It is believed that these ‘Adityas’ are the base myth to the temple of sun, the legend imparts Aditya’s to be sons of ‘Aditi’, the goddess of Infinity and the constant within the inter-connectedness of the universe.
•If you love listening to stories, make sure you find the purohit or priest who has been taking care of the temple, and stays close to the vicinity. Request him to narrate or explain the tales and sequences from epics and legends which
are carved on the 52 pillars adding grace and poise to the temple section. Even if you do not find him around, do go through the carved murals which serve as a virtual encyclopedia of history of communities, lessons in mortality, descriptions of fairs and festivals and rituals of the golden era. If time permits may be you can examine each panel in turn and witness the intricate details encompassing the panels speaking and sharing about their costumes, jewelry, performing arts, erotica and the intensely enigmatic art of making love, medicinal plants, and the
pharmacopoeia etched in stone.
•After witnessing and traveling across time with the raconteur figurines, a visit to the Garbagruha will definitely feel as a spiritual experience. The statue of the sun god no longer exists and the Suryavanshi Solanki’s have been scattered into the dust of history since a thousand years but still on the day of the Equinox, one can almost hear the chanting of the prayers, the aroma of incense, the tinkling of bells as the sharp, linear rays of the sun illuminate the inner core of life and light.
•Do enjoy sitting under those shady trees and feel the tranquility and bliss of being part of the magnificent temple complex of Modhera!
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Coordinates:   23°34'59"N   72°8'1"E


  • Wish you all the best, its good that we perform a cultural programs like શિલ્પ સ્થાપત્યના બેનમૂન નમૂના સૂર્યમંદિરના સાંનિઘ્યે સંગીતના સૂરો સાથે નૃત્ય રજૂ થશે. BUT SUN temples are Scientific monuments and need to a realy scientific work and measurements. Probably No one knows that. Modhera is placed on tropic of Cancer of that time (23 35'N)and if any one interested in the matter may contact us by email. actually on days of equinox or on day of winter/summer solistice days at LOCAL 12 NOON (12:41:30 IST)experiments are to be performed to measure Earth , SUN , EU and Universe !!!
This article was last modified 10 years ago