St.Triphon orthodox church in Naprudnoye (Moscow)

Russia / Moscow / Moscow / Trifonovskaya ulitsa, 38
 interesting place, Russian Orthodox Church, 15th century construction, object of cultural heritage of federal importance (Russia), Orthodox church

Built in 1492. One of the oldest stone buildings in Moscow. A rare example of early Moscow architectural tradition. Ivan the Terrible used to visit it when he would go out hunting nearby.
Nearby cities:
Coordinates:   55°47'17"N   37°37'36"E


  • Храм 1495 года.15 век. Редкое явление для Москвы. Иван Грозный посещал этот храм когда ездил на охоту
  • 1492 года. сорри))
This article was last modified 14 years ago