Bharatiya Janata Party Party Headquarters (Delhi)

India / Delhi / Ni Dilli / Delhi / Ashoka Road, 10
 office building, headquarters, political party
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The national headquarters of the right-wing Indian political party Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP).
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Coordinates:   28°37'6"N   77°13'20"E


  • It is high time to write a book compiling all the scams, misdeeds, loss taken place by taking wrong decisions at top level etc. so as to remind all Indians about scams, corruption centered around elected representatives under the UPA like Bofors, Raja, Maran, Kanomozhi,Common wealth games, Adarsh Housing, reasons about Air India incurring loss involving Praful Patel, increase in Oil Prices due to allowing oil companies to decide about increasing prices, large scale increase in Naxal problems, inspite of having multi agencies for internal security and spy work etc., majority of scams occurred probably after elected Chairperson who may be directing all Ministers including Prime Minister etc. without absolutely having no accountability and the directed persons duty bound to implement the directions etc. etc... and such book distributed at no profit no loss basis without which public will continue to vote for wrong candidates believing wrong messages planted in the medias. It is high time that somebody should write such a book immediately incorporating all the misdeeds which has already caused collosal loss to the public. With regards,
This article was last modified 10 years ago