Sinkhole above flooded Berezniki potash mine 1 (Berezniki)

Russia / Perm / Berezniki
 lake, sinkhole

The collapse has occurred 07/29/07. Generation of sinkhole was accompanied by explosion of methane released from the salt rock. Starting size of sinkhole was approximately 60x40 m. Visually observed depth was 15-20 m. In the center of sinkhole the downward channel can be seen.
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Coordinates:   59°23'20"N   56°46'9"E


  • The Distance from collapse in city Berezniki Permskogo edges before existing federal railway for period with 7 on September 12 grew shorter on 10 metres and at present forms 76 metres. At distance before built reserve branch line for September 12 remained without change and forms 186 m. Sizes of the collapse in higher part of the crater increased before 205 on 92 m. Sizes of the crater in scolded sort remained without change 155 on 50 m. In east part in четвертичных postponing collapse develops in northeasterly direction, west border of the collapse does not change
  • Collapse to terrestrial surface in Bereznikah continues to grow The Collapse to terrestrial surface in zone of the flooding the mine to companies "Uralkaliy" in Bereznikah /Верхнекамское месторождение potassium-magnesium salts in Permskom edge/ continues to advance. About this has reported the operative staff at commission on exceeding situation Permskogo edges on total сейсмомониторинга for past week. The Sizes of the collapse in higher part of the crater increased to account of the climbing down the friable postponing and bulk soil. The Distance from collapse before acting railway grew shorter with 76 metres before 47 metres. Before built reserve branch line remained without change - 186 metres. The Velocity of оседания soil forms 10-20 mms in day. In devil Bereznikov increase to velocities оседаний is not revealled.
  • Hopper size is 295 to 185 meters; The amount of failure in indigenous rocks-235 50 m. Failure razrastaetsya as indigenous rocks, and increased by opolzaniya loose bulk soils and sediments. The development of the failure is observed in the north, the east of his movement slowed down a bit. Western boundary of the failure does not change. On the instrumental observations, featuring the perimeter obrazovavshegosya failure, speed up subsidence 20-60 mm/day. In the city limits speeds increase subsidence been detected. Backup detour along the railway line for the period from 11 September (early observations) on 17 October subsidence were 3-10 mm. The distance from the failure to backup railroad was on 19 October 152 m. Annual mean nadsolevyh water inflow in the period from 30 September to 18 October 5750 increased to m3/h.
  • OAO Silvinit ", it may be forced to halt despatch their products. "As reported in the press URA.Ru" company, full stop shipments of potassium chloride salt and technical might happen as early as November 2007. On the night of October 24, 2007 the amount of failure, resulting from flooding BKPRU-1 Uralkali in the town of Berezniki, increased by 30 meters in the direction of the only railroad linking solikamsko-bereznikovsky industrial hub of the Trans. To date, the distance from the hopper to the 800-meter obezdnogo road is only about 100 meters. With regard to the nature of neprogroziruemym increase in the failure, "JSC Silvinit" does not exclude the probability of stopping shipments of its products due to the complete cessation of rail service. Indeed, alternative rail transport when exporting large quantities of products to date not, the experts note the company. In turn, "JSC Silvinit" inform its partners and contractors to increase the risk of non-compliance with its treaty obligations because of the prevailing positive situation Force. "The movement of freight trains on the federal railway linking the industrial north of the Trans Prikamya, was discontinued in the second half of September because of the failure approached to a distance of 75 meters to the rail tracks," said Director General of OAO "Silvinit Rostyam Sabirov. Today, the supply of products OAO Silvinit "implemented a backup railway line built urgently in early 2007 after the failure to BKPRU-1 Uralkali. Construction of a new railway line obezdnogo six kilometers in length representatives of OAO Russian Railways plans to complete earlier than February 1, 2008, even though a final decision on the route this route have so far been taken. The accident at Bereznikovskom Potash Mining No. 1 (BKRU No. 1) company Uralkali occurred in the autumn of 2006. According to scientific predictions, ground subsidence is possible in two critical points. One of them is in the area of Lenin Street Berezniki. It is anticipated that the ground can accommodate about four meters. Another point is the railway station at length some six kilometers. In doing so, scientists guarantee that by the end of 2007, nothing will happen. To date, decided to resettle residents of 25 houses located in a hazardous area. 28 July in the industrial zone Bereznikovogo Potassium industrial rudoupraveniya Uralkalii "at the" ground collapse occurred. The size of craters were 40 to 60 meters (2,4 thousand square meters) depth of 15 meters. The approach to the failure of the forbidden. By order of the Governor of the Perm province Oleg Chirkunova was also banned carrying dangerous goods (chlorine and ammonia), on the main railway line which is karnallitovoy territory (where, and the risk of new prosedany). It was introduced Seismological Monitoring of the situation. Later, the size of the failure is constantly increasing. According to the latest data, they make up 295 to 185 meters, the size of the failure of indigenous breeds - 235 50 meters. This failure continues to grow as indigenous rocks, and grow at the expense of opolzaniya loose bulk soils and sediments.
  • QUICK bypass It began construction of a second railway station "security line" from accidental mine Puteytsy vrezali arrow on the 198 th kilometer of the 10 th pickets, between stations and potash Berezniki Northern Railway. As the "chief engineer" Gudku station Berezniki Anatoly Medvedev, the contractor works OAO Permdorstroy "has completely uprooted in the forest area 12 ha and vykorcheval stumps, otsypal 700 meters formation of. In the coming days, travel specialists machine station-168 begin packing relsoshpalnoy grid. "We would be ready to work on zempolotna. The rate high, our puteytsy do everything possible to quickly and qualitatively, "says Anatoly Medvedev. Go and work on the opposite side of circumvention. Here logging has been completed and soil preparation, continuing formation of pad. In the past, scientists Monday Ural Mountain Institute and the Russian Academy of Sciences office OAO Galurgiya "fully agreed on passing the entire scheme shestikilometrovogo bypass, which consists of three sections. Construction is scheduled to be completed 1 February 2008 year. Investments RZhD amount to 450 million rubles. According to the experts, this time before acting 850-meter line will be able to provide enterprises and Bereznikov Solikamska uninterruptible rail communications daily Sverdlovsk railway transports are over 26 thousand tons of cargo passes through the station until the 22 pairs of trains an average of 57 cars. Meanwhile, the failure of the mine to Uralkali continues to expand to the east and northeast. "Obrazovavshiesya last week on the eastern side of the failure of the cracks could collapse, but when that happens, no forecasts," reported "Gudku" Deputy Chief of the Press Service of the General Directorate of the Ministry of Emergencies Valery Tiunov Perm edge. Distance from failure to existing railroad-140 meters for five days, it fell by 2 m to the resulting cracks remains 115 m. Ground subsidence of the path from the beginning of observation 11 August amounted to 14 mm, the surface is lowered daily at 0.5 mm. Fixed route in the area and how little seismic activity. But, despite all the danger approaching, the movement of trains on the existing 850-meter-circumvention continues alternative delivery products business hub Bereznikovsko-Solikamskogo not. In this node are concentrated in the country's largest suppliers of fertilizers, sending goods to Russia via Perm and through the ports of the Baltic and White seas abroad. Along with the erection shestikilometrovogo bypass go and work on the design 53-kilometer detour road-Yayva Solikamsk. As reported in the press the governor of Perm region, the project task will be ready in II quarter of 2008 year, the working documentation appears at the beginning of 2009 year, whereas the same is expected to start construction of the railway.
  • There was surveillance video showing the methane explosion.
  • There has been an increase in subsidence Mobile integrated outcome monitor the situation at BKPRU-1 OAO "Uralkaly" for the period from 4 to July 10, 2008 .. According to the Chief Geologist of OAO "Uralkaly" Sergei Glebova, during the reporting period nadsolevyh mean inflow of water and brines of 6450 m3. On 10 July, the mine received about 67 million m3 brines. The size of the external funnel failure has not changed - 395 to 290 m; indigenous rocks in the crater - 360 to 253 metres (on July 3 - 360 to 245 m). Continued collapse of indigenous and partly loose rocks on the north-western board failure. There are caving loose rocks on the northern and south-eastern sides of failure. The distance from the failure to irrigate up to a railway - 101 metres (unchanged). Subsidence under the existing railway line to irrigate since the beginning of observations (03.04.2008 d.) ranged from 0 to 7 mm (1 surveillance conducted once a week). According to the taheometricheskoy shooting around the failure of the speed of subsidence over the past week on the eastern side had not changed and are 30-50 mm / month, with the north-eastern part of continuing growth settling velocities to 210 mm / month, to the west side of failure noted an increase in subsidence speeds up to 80 -150 Mm / month. In the area of roads along the canal and at BMZ speed subsidence unchanged. July 7-8 observation met on a street. Lenin (District dvuhplastovoy extraction). From st. Telman to st. Communist speed subsidence remained at the same level and are 15-20 mm / month. In St. area. Lenin, adjacent to the square. Reshetov, an increase of subsidence to 55-70 mm / month (June 30-55 mm / month). In karnallitovoy zone speed subsidence has not changed and are 5-10 mm / month. Abnormal deviations in the mode of surface waters and streams caused by technological reasons, for the entire observation period from the beginning of the accident has not been observed. Contents flammable and poisonous gases in a hazardous area is significantly lower MPC. Ongoing seismological monitoring in the area of danger zone. In the reporting week, the number of events ranged from 1 to 25 daily. Total registered 50 events, among them 7 treschinoobrazovaniya associated with the processes at the depth or the destruction in mining, the remaining processes of collapse and caused osypaniya loose rocks in the upper part of the section. Epicentre scattered mainly in the north-western region and to a lesser extent, the eastern sides of failure. District karnallitovogo deep reservoir of a week there were approximately 140 events. All of them occurred during daylight hours and are associated with human activities (the dismantling of homes, traffic, etc.). Seismic events related to processes in the array to earn additionally, been recorded. For the period from 4 to 10 July on a temporary bypass the railway line were sent 4 of dangerous goods. Press-service operational headquarters to the Commission for Emergency Situations Perm Territory
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This article was last modified 17 years ago