Spanish Town Hospital (Spanish Town)

Jamaica / Saint Catherine / Spanish Town / Burke Road, Spanish Town, St. Catherine, Jamaica.
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The Spanish Town Hospital was opened by Sir Hugh Foot (Captain General and Governor in Chief of Jamaica, 1951-1957) in 1952. Largest 'Type B' Hospital in the island. Bed capacity - 600, Staff compliment - 320, Annual patient load - 160,000. (source; SERHA)

Burke Road, Spanish Town
St. Catherine
Jamaica, West Indies

Ph: (876) 984-3031-5, 943-9977
Fax: (876) 984-7431

Patient Services: 24-hour Emergency service daily
Office Hours: (Administrative Services)
Mon. - Thur.:8:30a - 5:00p
Fri.: 8:30a - 4:00p
Nearby cities:
Coordinates:   17°59'30"N   76°56'50"W


  • While visiting Jamaica my husband got sick anf had to be rushed to the nearest hospital. Boy did I get a shock, ppl were treated worst than animals, ppl were waiting in the waiting area for 24 hrs, ppl were dying and none look at them.. This is not a Hospital this is a place to visit if u want to die, the nurses care more about keeping their uniforms clean and forget about saving lives. To the ministry of health you need to look into this Hospital, the behavior of the staffs/conditions are deplorable.. My advice to all foreigners stay away from Jamaica.. This is not a place to get sick if you need medical attention u are going to die.. There is a short fat security girl who is worst th an a pit bull no company should hire some garbage like that.. Please, Please Foreigners stay away from Spanish Town Hospital.. Damm Shame ppl lives value nothing there.. The director needs to be fired for running such poor hospital.
  • My nephew I at Spa is town hospital for gunshot wond and he's been there since Friday, they gave him pain medicine once on Friday night, in Saturday afternoon about 12pm he ask for more medicine and they told him they gave him medicine last night which was about 15 hours earlier. Also he needed screws in his leg and his sister had to go and purchase the screws in Kingston, bring them back to Spanish town and now they're say he will be operated on days later. This hospital needs to be shut down until they can find the proper staff that wants to help people. Those nurses act like they didn't go to school to be a nurse, I feel somebody felt sorry for them and gave them a license which was a big mistake.
  • One year ago my cousin was in a very bad car accident, she was transported to Spanish Town Hospital, the hospital knew that they weren't equipped to take care of her but yet they kept her there anyway. #1. she needed screws in her legs and hips and we did just like the person above said that they had to do,we went and purchase the screws brought them back, days went pass and no operation was done. #2. she had punctured lungs and was unable to breathe on her own, instead on those "licensed nurses" hooking her up to a electronic oxygen machine, they sat there and took turns manually using there hands to pump oxygen into her lungs. and guess what? when they got tired of manually pumping the oxygen, they stopped and she died three days later. Spanish Town Hospital is responsible for so many deaths in Jamaica. Those nurses are murderers and y'all should be ashamed, if that was in America alot of y'all would be in prison for murder and have y'all license taken away.Very seldom you hear about somebody going there for something serious and survive. I won't even get into the labor and delivery area, that's a story for another day.
  • so if the hospital is shut down how would he have gotten ANY TREATMENT AT ALL ? stupid
  • You people are ignorant and misinformed.
  • Misinformed? These people are talking about experiences... They are so many people that have testified experiencing horrible moments at this hospital mainly because of lack of equipments and terrible nurses with their don't care attitude... U are the misinformed and ignorant one. Almost every Jamaican that had been to this hospital to either visit or had been admitted will tell u the same.... The entire country could not be lying
  • So true my daughter is in labor and delivery at this moment after 3 weeks delivering her child felt ill at home went back to the hospital they diagnosed that placenta is left inside,her temperature is a 101.4 and the nurse telling her she has no fever ,those nurses are some no brainier,how can patients be treated like this?
  • In response to "Connect the dots" comment... Spanish Town Hospital is one of the many hospitals in Jamaica that do not have the necessary EQUIPMENT (that's a plural also a singular word, "something needs to be done"). As such, the hospital does not have ventilators except in the operating theatre. And I'm sure she wasn't being cared for in the OT. Ignorance is one of the things many persons suffer from so I will just chalk up your comment to that. There's a LAW regarding the time spent to resuscitate an individual. If you were cognizant of medical legalities you would know this. Also to clarify, if the patient is not stable the patient can not be transferred to another institution and if another institution who does have the required facilities the first responding hospital can not transfer a patient there. There is always two sides to a story and people say the customer is always right, but in most cases that's not true. When someone writes a negative comment about a place its an emotional response to the event that led to the negative comment being written. Its always good to find out the entire story before comments are made. Also remember the members of the health team are human beings too and are prone to making mistakes. You can't make lemonade out of pineapples, can you? I say this to point out that the health team can only work with what they have. You will always have those bad apples that make it hard for ppl to say anything good, I give you that. This was my piece, hate it or love it, it doesn't matter. Find out the entire story before you pass judgment.
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This article was last modified 11 years ago