
India / Maharashtra / Faizpur /
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A well Known place of Raver Taluka.Birth Place of Mr.Madhukar rao Chaudhari.A staunch follower of Shri Mahatma Gandhi's principles.A person of immense capabilities who has brought leva patidar community on the world map.

Khiroda has been origin of many Gandhian followers. One of the great adherent was late Mr. Bhausaheb alias Danji Maharu Bonde. He was felicitated as first "Dalitmitra" accolade by Government of Maharashtra state (India).His son late Mr.Sunit Dhanji Bonde was awarded with "Jamnalal Bajaj award" by then prime minister Rajeev Gandhi for devoting his entire life in the service of 'ADIVASI' people in Satpuda ranges. His younger brother Mr.Manohar Maharu Chaudhari is famous sculpturist and fine artist and has been a founder of Saptput Lalitkala Bhavan(fine arts college) and has worked as the Principal for twenty years.He is one of the great poets and only perspicacious people have been able to understand the profundity of his poems.
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Coordinates:   21°12'29"N   75°52'58"E


  • My Native place
  • This is a Very good place.
  • Khiroda is freedom village and Educational Village
  • worlds best place where my father born, the place where i learn life & the place which will build nation.khiroda mazzhe.well i am kishor chaudhari basically from khiroda computer engineering student of mitpune. i love my village more then much. msg deliverd by original partner stamp signeture
  • get more information on my web site
  • The great place where my people stays and the land who made us grown in all the ways.
  • The great place where my people stays and the lad who made us grown in all the ways.
  • Amazing place. Educational centre. I studied in Saptaput Lalit kala Bhavan. Miss the quiet premises sourrounded by Banana farms..! Jhunka-Bhakr..! Mirchicha Thecha...!! Would not get even if pay anything now...!! Great times. Khiroda has given me future. Would love to be there, visit the place. - Suhas Chavan
  • i prroud to my village
  • Khiroda is my native place, it's a wonderful villiage in all Respect like Education,farming and Sports.
  • To be proud of my village KHIRODA. My village well known for Education & also in Farming.
  • my native place khiroda is very good in all over taluka raver,it is also famous for Madhukarrao Chaudhari & Shirish Dada Chaudhari. in our Village Shirish Dada Very famous person because of status, behaviour & Co-operation
  • To be proud of Khirodian
  • Khiroda is the famous village in maharashtra due to birth place of Dhanaji Nana and Balasaheb chudhari
  • Show all comments
This article was last modified 18 years ago