MKZ, z-d No. 46, z-d 304, KRZ from 1945, KMZ from 1963, and MRZ or MRTZ from 1971, OKB No. 44, NIISPVA, OKB z-da 304, later KB KMZ, later KB 'Kuntsevo', TsKB-3 or TsKB PS, z-d No. 465, KB z-da No. 465 (Moscow)

Russia / Moskovskaja Oblast / Marfino / Moscow / Vereyskaya ulitsa, 29
 factory, radio engineering

MKZ: Moskovskii kapsyul'nyi z-d (initiator caps); former Russian-Belgian percussion cap plant AO 'Montekristo', 'Pistonnyi z-d', established 1900 or 1911 at Otrada; restored in 1919 and launched 2/20; became small arms munitions plant 'Krasnyi snaryazhatel'' from 1927; numbered z-d 46 in 1933 or in 1936

z-d No. 46 'Krasnyi snaryazhatel': former Russian-Belgian percussion cap plant AO 'Montekristo', 'Pistonnyi z-d', established 1900 or 1911; restored from 1922 as a concession; formed as small arms munitions plant 'Krasnyi snaryazhatel'' from 1927 till 1936; numbered z-d 46 in 1933 or in 1936 and launched in 1934-6; blasting caps, later lead shot, then small arms and machine-guns and pyro-cartridges 7.62mm and 12.7mm; p/ya 15 in 1941; evacuated into a Novaya Lyalya pulp and paper mill (z-d 529) and also into Ul'yanovsk z-d 3 8/41 but mostly to Sverdlovsk onto site of 'Fabrika im. Lenina' (flax mill), z-d 46, 10/41; z-d 304 from 25/4/42 to repair arms; munitions production retained but 14/6/45 z-d switched to radar for trajectory measurements as z-d 304 or KRZ; later incorporated NII-20 and z-d 465; from 1963 KMZ and from 1971 'MRTZ'
Director: Volodin dir. 1941

z-d No. 304, KRZ from 1945, KMZ from 1963, and MRZ or MRTZ from 1971: Moscow radiotekhnicheskii z-d (radio-technical plant); formed on site of evacuated z-d 46 and numbered 25/4/42; 14/6/45 became 'Kuntsevskii radiolokatsionnyi z-d' (KRZ) based on site of evacuated munitions z-d 46 which originated 1900 or 1911 but was evacuated to Sverdlovsk; retained munitions production having parallel production with radar equipment for several years after WWII; p/ya 15 in 1942; housed OKB-44 from 6/4/43 till 14/4/46 when it transferred to z-d 711; housed TsKB-3 or TsKB PS from 29/5/44 until it transferred to Podol'sk z-d 710 at the end of 1945; reprofiled for gun fire-control equipment from 10/6/45; received z-d 465 and NII-20 transferred from Moscow (Sokol) 8/50; p/ya 15 in 1957; produced electronics for AA missiles developed at TsKB 'Almaz'; became 'Kuntsevskii mekhanicheskii z-d' (KMZ) in 1963; space telecom equipment and TV sets also produced from 1964; p/ya A-1911 in 1970; named 'Moskovskii radiotekhnicheskii z-d' (MRZ or MRTZ) 25/2/71 (MRP); OAO from 27/8/93; part of FPG 'Oboronitel'nye sistemy'
Director: Nesterov dir. 1942, Brezhnev dir. 1957, A.M.Chupalov dir. 1970, V.Milovanov dir. 1996, Yu.L.Bulkin dir. 1990s-2000, A.B.Romanov dir. 2000-3

OKB No. 44: armament and munitions; formed and numbered 6/4/43 (GKO) and 12/5/44 (NKV) on site of former z-d 44; later transferred to z-d 304; researched and selected optimal small arms ammunition calibres in 1945-8; transferred to z-d 711 14/4/46 or 5/46; 14/4/46 or 10/7/46 (SM) and 20/10/46 (MV) became NII-44 while z-d 711 became opytnyi z-d; 21/11/46 received poligon of 'Klimovskii mashinostroitel'nyi z-d' MMP; G4557 says NII-44 formed in 1947 based on OKB-183; in 1949 became NII-61
Director: N.M.Elizarov dir./des. 1940s

NIISPVA: NII strelkovo-pushechnogo vooruzheniya aviatsii (aircraft guns); formed 19/6/41 (SNK) and 17/5/44 (NKV) on site of z-d 304 in Kuntsevo; 26/5/48 (SM) and 3/6/48 (MV) renamed NII-61; transferred to Klimovsk (st. Grivno) in 1949 and absorbed NII-44 in 1950; considered as manufacturing base of OKB-16 for production of rockets in 1959; received OKB-44 from Moscow (Kuntsevo) in 1946 which in 1947 became NII-44; A2861 says formed in 1949 and from 1966 or 1970s TsNII 'Tochmash'; now GUP 'Klimovskii TsNII 'Tochmash''
Directors: Sabel'nikov dir. 1944-72, K.N.Rudnev dir. 1947, V.N.Novikov dir. 1948, S.Rozanov dir. 1959, V.P.Gryazev des. 1960s

OKB z-da No. 304, later KB KMZ, later KB 'Kuntsevo': anti-aircraft radar systems and facilities; formed in 1946 as OKB KRZ or as 'seriinoe konstruktorskoe byuro'; from 1966 independent as KB KMZ; p/ya R-6551 in 1970; from 1991 KB 'Kuntsevo'; later GP 'KB Kuntsevo'; from 8/94 OAO 'KB 'Kuntsevo'', part of FPG 'Oboronitel'nye sisyemy'
Directors: G.T.Paramonov dir. 1970, Yu.V.Zav'yalov dir. 1988-2003

TsKB-3 or TsKB PS: formed as TsKB patronnogo stankostroeniya and numbered 29/5/44 (SNK) and 3/6/44 (NKV) based on z-d 304 to develop cartridges technology, design of equipment and production techniques; p/ya 99 in 1944; at the end of 1945 transferred to z-d 710; transferred from site z-d 710 to site z-d 711 from 10/51; from 1960 KBAL; p/ya 29 in 1963; in 1994 became the 'Koshkin Transfer Line Design Bureau' JSC (OAO or GP 'KBAL im. Koshkina')
Directors: N.I. (or L.N.) Koshkin dir./des. 1944-89, V.I.Bystrov dir./des. 1996-9

z-d No. 465: radar equipment; formed on site of evacuated NKAP plant 294 10/2/42 (GKO) and 15/2/42 (NKEP) as NKEP plant; incorporated 12 SL (special laboratories) in 1942; KB z-da 465 created simultaneously or in 1943; transferred to NKV 7/45 or 5/10/45; 10/6/46 (GKO) z-d 465 renamed TsKB-20 or TsKB-20 formed 22/10/45 (NKV); TsKB-20 became NII-20 and z-d 465 again independent from 6/46 or 10/7/46 (MV); together with NII-20 lost all the premises given to KB-1 12/8/50 (MV) when transferred to z-d 304 KRZ or MRTZ in Kuntsevo and absorbed it and NII-61; merged with NII-20 23/1/58; often referred to as NII radiopromyshlennosti'; from 1965 or 1967 called NIEMI; later NPO 'Antei' and from 1988 OAO 'Antei Korporatsiya'
Directors: A.A.Forshter dir. 1942, M.L.Slizoberg (or Sliozberg) dir. 1946, P.M.Chudakov dir. 1955

KB z-da No. 465: radar equipment; formed 10/2/42 (GKO) and 15/2/42 (NKEPat NKEP and at first occupied the site of evacuated 'Fizicheskii institut im. Lebedeva' and then transferred to site of z-d 465; another version says formed together with z-d 465 on site of evacuated NKAP plant 294 10/2/42 (GKO) and 15/2/42 (NKEP) as NKEP plant; incorporated 12 SL (special laboratories) in 1942; transferred to NKV 7/45 or 5/10/45; 10/6/45 (GKO) z-d 465 renamed TsKB-20 (or TsKB z-da 20) formed 22/10/45 (NKV); TsKB-20 became NII-20 29/9/45 (SNK) and z-d 465 again independent from 6/46 or 10/7/46 (MV); together with z-d 465 lost all the premises which were given to KB-1 12/8/50 (MV) when transferred to z-d 304 KRZ or MRTZ in Kuntsevo and absorbed it and NII-61; often referred to as 'NII radiopromyshlennosti'; from 1965 or 1967 called NIEMI; later NPO 'Antei' and from 1988 OAO 'Antei Korporatsiya'
Director: Slizoberg (or Sliozberg) dir. 1946

NII z-da No. 465: formed 1943; on radar working with z-d 465; G2875 says at first together with z-d 465 becme TsKB-20 10/6/45 (GKO) or 22/10/45 but again independent as NII-20 29/9/45 (SNK) or 10/6/46; together with z-d 465 lost all the premises which were given to KB-1 12/8/50 (MV) when transferred to z-d 304 KRZ or MRTZ in Kuntsevo and absorbed it and NII-61; merged with z-d 465 as NII-20 23/1/58; often referred to as NII radiopromyshlennosti'; from 1965 or 1967 called NIEMI; now 'Moscow NI elektromekhanicheskii institut' (NIEMI) of NPO 'Antei' (from 1988 Kontsern 'Antei')
Directors: V.P.Efremov des. 1943-65 or 1958-70, Potapov dir. 1950s

SL z-da No. 465: Spetsial'naya laboratoriya priemno-usilitel'nykh lamp (special laboratory for thermionic valves)
Director: V.I.Egizarov dir. 1942

TsKB No. 20: formed 10/6/45 (GKO) and 22/10/45 (NKV) on site of z-d 465 at Moscow (Sokol) to develop arms control systems; z-d 465 renamed NII-20 10/6/46 (GKO); reference to its belonging to the Min. Vooruzhennykh Sil' in 1946 and later involved in missile work; reorganized into NII-20 6/46 or 10/7/46 (SM) to develop radars; together with z-d 465 lost all the premises given to KB-1 12/8/50 (MV) when transferred to z-d 304 KRZ or MRTZ in Kuntsevo and absorbed it and NII-61; often referred to as NII radiopromyshlennosti'; became NII-20 before 1958; merged with z-d 465 23/1/58; and from 1965 or 1967 called NIEMI; now Moscow NI elektromekhanicheskii institut (NIEMI) of NPO 'Antei' (from 1988 Kontsern 'Antei')
Director: M.L.Slizoberg (or Sliozberg) dir. 1946

NII No. 20: radio, later radar equipment; G2875 says formed for radar work; formed 10/2/42 (GKO) and 15/2/42 (NKEP) at NKEP and first occupied site of evacuated 'Fizicheskii institut im. Lebedeva' and then transferred to site of z-d 465; another story says formed 10/2/42 (GKO) and 15/2/42 (NKEP) as NKEP plant z-d 465 on site of evacuated NKAP z-d 294 in Moscow (Sokol); transferred to NKV 7/45 and ordered to concentrate all work on radiolocation control systems for AA rockets and V-2; 10/6/46 (GKO) z-d 465 renamed TsKB-20 or TsKB-20 formed 6/10/45 (GKO) or 22/10/45 and TsKB-20 became NII-20 29/9/45 (SNK) and z-d 465 and NII-20 again independent from 6/46 or 10/7/46; together with z-d 465 lost all the premises given to KB-1 12/8/50 (MV) when transferred to z-d 304 KRZ in Kuntsevo and absorbed it and NII-61; merged with z-d 465 23/1/58; called also NII radiopromyshlennosti; from 28/10/83 (MRP) or 1984 part of NPO 'Antei'; alternatively from 1967 'Moscow NI elektromekhanicheskii institut' (NIEMI) of NPO 'Antei' (from 1988 'Kontsern 'Antei'')
Directors: V.P.Efremov des. 1943-65 or 1958-70, Chistyakov dir. 1950, K.Gerasimov dir. 1951, Potapov dir. 1950s, P.M.Chudakov dir. 1955-8, Yu.I.Bodalov dir. 2003

See: The Numbered Factories and Other Establishments of the Soviet Defence Industry: A Guide
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