Sidon National Evangelical Institute - "The American School" (Mieh w Mieh)

Lebanon / al-Janub / Sayda / Mieh w Mieh
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Used to be called the Gerard Institute. Founded in the 1860s by American Presbyterian missionaries.
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Coordinates:   33°32'55"N   35°22'59"E


  • best skool
  • looking for old Students of Gerard Institute of Sidon Lebanon.Was a boarding Student from Germany at the age of 13 - 16 in 1 - 3 Secondary Kl. also looking for Nikolas and his sister Angela Vatistas. For a Reunin. Greetings from Germany ! Manfred.
  • I was at Gerard Institute of Sidon Lebanon . from 1958 - 1961
  • Helmut Kohlen from Germany Graduated at Gerard Institute in 1962. Greetings from Germany!
  • I was a student at Gerard between 1960 and 1967, leaving after the 4th secondary to go to school in Beirut. My father, Edwin Bell Hanna, was a teacher at Gerard in the late 1940s.
  • My email is
  • My name is Nabih Hechme. I was a boarding student from 1946 to 1951 in Gerard Institute. I was one of the 12 students who started in the first co-education grade 13 under the supervision of the Principle Frank Lawrence White. As far as I am concerned it was the best boarding High School in Lebanon. I immigrated to Canada in 1957, and I worked for the Canadian Government in the agency of Statistic Canada for 31 years, mainly in Math and Statistic. I would love to contact any one of my classmates. Since my immigration to Canada, and only lately, I was able to contact one and only one of my classmates who is practising medicine in Syracuse, New York. I'm still living in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada with my French Canadian wife. Feel free to contact me if you are still remember me. Thank you.
  • This is only a correction of my email: By the way, after almost 60 years I still remember the names of my classmates and most of my teachers. I'm wondering if there is someone who remembers me!!!!!! Do get in touch if you remember.
  • I wish to communicate with my old friends from 1956 to 1961, and this is my email address : worthy to mention Mr. Manfred and Mr. Helmut kohlen. Nicolas Vatestas , Dr. Nazih Al Hariri, etc. Greetings from Syria Tarif Al Azem
  • I was there from 1970 to 1976. I have so many vivid memories from this school...
  • I was student from 1971-1975 and I was on the soccer team , would love to find some freinds.
  • Was my father Douglas hill your headmaster?
  • No, he was not. My principal was Frank Lawrence white. Mind you, I have heard of Mr. Hill, but unfortunately I have never met him.
  • Hi Ala. I remember you. You were in my class 1976 before I left to London that year. cause of the B.S. Civil War. Now I reside / Citizen in the U.S.A. - Electrical Works - business . Great thanks God.. Samir Best regards. Great to meet you by checking out our Gerard.
  • Hi Debbie Yes, Mr. Hill was the Principal of the School when I was a border student there. We used to call it "Gerrard' . I even Know your brother . He was little boy. Your family lived in the second floor of a two- story building located at the end of the school. Mr.Hill was a great educator. Everybody loved him and respected him. I and my friends were sad when he left the school and went back to the States. But Debbie, how come we used to see your brother but not you!!
  • Hi cphanna51, are you Phillip? I know Rev. Hanna . He was a great great person.
  • Yes, I am Philip Hanna, Rev. Hanna's son. Who are you? Might you be Joseph Naoum? Write me I live in the USA in Kentucky.
  • Hi Philip I am really sorry that I am replying almost after one year !!! I really did not mean to do so. After I wrote to you last time , I did not get back to the school's page to see your reply because I did not expect a reply . I am sorry . Today , I was checking something in my computer and saw the school's page by accident and opened it to see your reply. I am very happy now. Yes, I am Joseph Naoum , the cook's son. But how did you know my family name ? I did not mention it earlier . ! I am living in Canada now since almost 30 years. Write to me Philip . I really remember you . You were very polite student . I appreciate your father very much . Regards Joseph Naoum
  • Still looking for old scool friends ! Specially from the Glee Club! Greeting to all Manfred Clemens from Germany.l
  • In front of this page you read : Add your comment in english !! Since when the word English starts with small letter ?
  • Joseph Naoum: My God, the world is so small. I am not sure how I ended up accessing this page, but I am so happy and delighted to see names like Mr. Hanna and Mr. Naoum. I am Safi Halaoui, cousin of your friends Khaled and Fadi Halaoui. please write to me on my e-mail:
  • Yes, Debbie, he was. then left to Iran, I suppose and I met all the family in Tyr (Sour) Lebanon when you were visiting the ruins (Roman playground) and Nicropolis Safi Halaoui 1964-1967. I also remember that we spent an evening at your house but I do not remember the occasion. Safi Halaoui
  • Hi Safi I remember you very well. You were tall and very polite student. You were in higher class level than me and Khaled . You were known among the students that you were clever and smart. Last time I saw Khaled was in year 1971 -72 in the Lebanese University , then he disappeared. I did not see him since. Where is he now ? You really made me happy when I read your e-mail. Those days will never come ... , as the song says. Unfortunately , It is true. Nobody can imagine how much I miss those days. Say hello to Khaled . Is he still laughs without reason ? Regards, Joseph Naoum
  • To all students of Gerrard with love : The song by Mary Hopkin ( 1968) : Those were the days my friend .... “Once upon a time there was a tavern Where we used to raise a glass or two Remember how we laughed away the hours And dreamed of all the great things we would do Those were the days my friend We thought they'd never end We'd sing and dance forever and a day We'd live the life we choose We'd fight and never lose For we were young and sure to have our way. La la la la... Then the busy years went rushing by us We lost our starry notions on the way If by chance I'd see you in the tavern We'd smile at one another and we'd say Those were the days my friend We thought they'd never end We'd sing and dance forever and a day We'd live the life we choose We'd fight and never lose Those were the days, oh yes those were the days La la la la... Just tonight I stood before the tavern Nothing seemed the way it used to be In the glass I saw a strange reflection Was that lonely woman really me Those were the days my friend We thought they'd never end We'd sing and dance forever and a day We'd live the life we choose We'd fight and never lose Those were the days, oh yes those were the days La la la la... Through the door there came familiar laughter I saw your face and heard you call my name Oh my friend we're older but no wiser For in our hearts the dreams are still the same Those were the days my friend We thought they'd never end We'd sing and dance forever and a day We'd live the life we choose We'd fight and never lose”
  • Hi Joseph, So sorry for the late response but I did not know how to access this site again. Now I know.!! Khaled got his degree from the law school, Lebanese University, then left for Siera Leone where he stayed several years. He is now in Beirut and became a grand father . Apart from his grey hair, Khaled has not changed a bit. My family reside in Montreal and I visit every year in the summer. Do you reside in Toronto or Calgery?? Next time I am in Montreal I shall surely call you. I am working in Saudi Arabia and hope to retire in the next couple of years. Please let me know your personal e-mail; mine is Take care for now
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This article was last modified 16 years ago