bukhari colony is nothing but comprehensive colony (Shiruru)

India / Karnataka / Baindur / Shiruru / National Highway 17 (NH - 17)
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our strenghts,,,in small colony there you can see sayyed ahmed bukhary darga,jangal peer dargah, new moderned without pillar aysha jama masjid,ancient game wich is starting from stick,sword and fire that might be known as "AKHADA" or "TAALEEM" the colony people's brother hood,comidy,stands on need,bukhari tanzeem for social purpose ,sporting cricket club for all purpose, etc etc .. our colony is also known as "MUGDI". features>>> population of our colony is aproximatly equal to 1500 and the standard of living is 95% fine founder mugdi jaffer sab, roshan ali sab,mugdi nijam sab etc ..... if you would visit our colony you would not forget our hospitality ok thank you all god blees you ALLAH HAFEEEEEEEZ...............[kuwait mugdi mohammed ibrahim ]
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Coordinates:   13°54'19"N   74°36'34"E


  • We would like to thanks all special peoples in our lives for providing generous help in times of hardships. Just hope you R all continue to be so hardworking and helpful to many needy peoples. ALLAH bless you All*************Zakir Hussain, Makkah Al Mukarrama.
This article was last modified 15 years ago