St. John's Landfill (Portland, Oregon)

USA / Oregon / Cedar Mill / Portland, Oregon
 landfill site / rubbish/garbage dump  Add category
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A closed municipal solid waste landfill formerly owned by the City of Portland but now owned and managed by METRO, the regional government in the Portland Area. St. Johns Landfill is currently (2006) undergoing a remedial investigation under Oregon's Cleanup Program to determine if any cleanup is necessary to protect human health and the environment.
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Coordinates:   45°36'55"N   122°45'10"W


  • 1) Language 2) St Johns is a neighborhood, not a town. If it was a town, it wouldn't be IN Portland, because Portland is a city, and cities don't have towns in them. 3) Sometimes things are named after the area they are in, that doesn't mean that is the only thing in the area. For instance, the "Atlanta Airport" isn't the only thing in Atlanta, and it doesn't mean that Atlanta is an Airport, it is just the name of the airport. In this case, the "St Johns Landfill" is a landfill in the St Johns neighborhood, but there are lots of other things in St Johns too.
  • I'm 26 and i just bought a house here. Some parts are ghetto and some are cool because of the local buisness,parks, and young home-owners fixing up the neighborhood.
  • Actually, St. Johns was indeed a independent town back before the City of Portland gobbled it up and incorporated it into the actual city itself. Across the river is another town called Linton, which was gobbled up by Portland around the same time. The old North Police precinct building by the St. Johns Bridge was actually at one time the St. Johns city hall.
This article was last modified 13 years ago