New position of azeri occupiers

Azerbaijan / Xocali / Esgeran /
 outpost (military)  Add category

At 16:00 on march 24, 2022 azerbaijani troops violated of terms of November 9, 2020 ceasefire agreement, invaded the territory of the Armenian village of Parukh, and eastern part of Qaraglukh height that were under the control of the unrecognized Republic of Artsakh and lay in zone of responsibility of Peace-Keepers of Russian Federation. Despite numerous calls to leave the territory and criticism from the countries of the co-chairs of the OSCE Minsk Group, the azeri occupiers refused to leave this height and dug trenches here.
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Coordinates:   40°0'29"N   46°48'45"E
This article was last modified 2 years ago