Location of oil spill estimates of the missing Indonesian submarine KRI Nanggala 402

Indonesia / Bali / Singaraja /
 shipwreck, submarine, sunken

Location of Oil / Solar Spill Estimates of the missing submarine KRI Nanggala 402
Lokasi Tumpahan Minyak / Solar Perkiraan dari KRI Nanggala 402

The oil spill was found by Helicopter Phanter HS-4211, TNI-AL at the coordinates:
107 , 49' , 17" S ; 114 , 50' , 78'" E (radius 150m)

The oil spill was found by KRI Martadinata 331 TNI-AL on the coordinate
107 , 51' , 92" S ; 114 , 51' , 77" E (radius 150m)

KRI Nanggala (402) is a diesel-electric attack submarine of the Indonesian Navy, one of two Cakra-class submarines (Type 209 design). On 21 April 2021, she went missing in deep waters north of Bali during a SUT torpedo drill.

2021 disappearance
On 21 April 2021, Air Chief Marshal Hadi Tjahjanto, Commander of the Indonesian National Armed Forces, reported that Nanggala was believed to have disappeared in waters about 95 km (51 nautical miles) north of Bali. Indonesian Navy spokesperson First Admiral Julius Widjojono stated that Nanggala had been conducting a torpedo drill, but failed to report its results as expected. The navy announced in a written statement that Nanggala had requested permission to dive to fire a SUT torpedo at 03:00 WIB (20:00 UTC, 20 April).

Around an hour after being given clearance, the boat lost contact with surface personnel. According to the navy, at around 04:00 WIB Nanggala should have been flooding its torpedo tubes in preparation for the firing of the torpedo. Indonesian military spokesperson Major General Achmad Riad [id] reported that the last communication with Nanggala was at 04:25 WIB when the commanding officer of the training task force would have authorized the firing of torpedo number 8. Chief of Staff of the Indonesian Navy Yudo Margono reported that Nanggala had fired a live torpedo and a practice torpedo before contact was lost.

April 23rd, 2021. Analysis on possible causes of the loss by former US Submariner.

April 24th, 2021 Submarine declared as lost when debris found floating on surface and wreckage found below crush depth.

April 25th, 2021. Confirmation with photos of wreckage and official announcement by the Indonesian Navy
Nearby cities:
Coordinates:   7°50'20"S   114°51'32"E


  • is there any something which causing the submarine can missing ?
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This article was last modified 3 years ago