
Albania / Shkoder /

Shkodër (Albanian: Shkodër or Shkodra) is a city located on Lake Shkodër in northwestern Albania in the District of Shkodër, of which it is the capital. It is one of the oldest and most historic towns in Albania, as well as an important cultural and economic center. Shkodër's estimated population as of 2004 is 90,000; if the surrounding region is included the population is 110,000. As of 2008 the current population is 228,000 including the surrounding region.
Nearby cities:
Coordinates:   42°4'16"N   19°30'42"E


  • shkodra rruga perash
  • Polygon by goldenboy883
  • Shkodër is a very nice Albanian city alongside with Durrës and Vlorë.
  •  149 km
  •  149 km
  •  230 km
  •  236 km
  •  245 km
  •  253 km
  •  311 km
  •  324 km
  •  324 km
  •  363 km