Purusottampur, Keonjhar
India /
Jharkhand /
Noamundi /
/ India
/ Jharkhand
/ Noamundi
store / shop, temple, hotel, house, mountain, school, bank, hospital, water, village, agriculture, electrical sub-station, bus stop, pond, sports ground, place of worship

The India Village Purusottampur, is located in the taluk of Champua, district of Kendujhar, in the Indian state of Odisha. The total geographical area of village is 160 hectares.
About Purusottampur Village:
Purusottampur is a Village in Champua Tehsil in Kendujhar District of Odisha State, India , 758047
It is located 63 KM towards North from District head quarters Kendujhar
260 KM from State capital Bhubaneswar, Purusottampur Pin code is 758047 and postal head office is Nayakrishnapur
Purusottampur is surrounded by Jagannathpur Tehsil towards North, Noamundi Tehsil towards west, Manjhgaon Tehsil towards East, Raruan Tehsil towards East
Joda , Barbil , Karanjia , Kendujhar are the nearby Cities to the Village Purusottampur
This Place is in the border of the Kendujhar District and West Singhbhum District (Jharkhand State Border)
Demographics of Purusottampur Oriya/Bangla is the Local Language here.
Latitude Longitude Summary:
The Latitude of Purusottampur is 22.0882. The Longitude of Purusottampur is 85.5769. The Latitude and Longitude of Purusottampur is 22.0882 and 85.5769 respectively. 22.0882 Latitude and 85.5769 Longitude can be mapped to closest address of Purusottampur, Odisha 758047, India. Purusottampur is located in sub-locality, Purusottampur locality, Kendujhar District, Odisha State of 758047 Country.
How to Reach:
You can reach by several way, some like by Road(Bus) and by Train or by Airplane .
Nearest Bus stop : Purusottampur -00 KM
Nearest Train stop : Dangoaposi (DPS)- 14 KM, Banspani (BSPX) - 28 KM, Noamundi (NOMD)- 11.5 KM, Keonjhar (KDJR) - 73 KM , Jaroli , Bara Jamda
Nearest Airport : Ranchi Airport (IXR)- 210 KM, Bhubaneswar Airport (BBI)- 268 KM, Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose Airport (CCU)- 355 KM, Gaya Airport (GAY)- 451 KM
Nearest Cities:
Here are the some important Business and corporate related big and famous city across Odisha. Joda- 25 KM, Barbil- 30 KM, Karanjia- 52 KM, Kendujhar- 63 KM
Schools & Colleges in Purusottampur village includes:
U.P. School , Purusottampur (Govt)
M.E. school , Purusottampur (Govt)
B.N.K. High School , Purusottampur (Govt) MAP
Sree Saraswathi Vidya Mandira (Semi Govt)
Lord Jagannath Temple
Lord Shiv Temple
Govt. Office, Hospital & Clinic
Ayurvedic Hospital (Govt)
Forester Guard Office (Govt)
Manoj Medical Clinic (Pvt)
Major festivals:
In Autumn: Durga Puja, Kumar Purnima, Deepabali
In Winter: Prathamastami
In Spring: Vasant Panchami, Maha Shivaratri, Dola Purnima and Holi
In Summer: Ratha Yatra
In Monsoon: Ganesh Chaturthi
Nearby Villages of Purusottampur:
About Purusottampur Village:
Purusottampur is a Village in Champua Tehsil in Kendujhar District of Odisha State, India , 758047
It is located 63 KM towards North from District head quarters Kendujhar
260 KM from State capital Bhubaneswar, Purusottampur Pin code is 758047 and postal head office is Nayakrishnapur
Purusottampur is surrounded by Jagannathpur Tehsil towards North, Noamundi Tehsil towards west, Manjhgaon Tehsil towards East, Raruan Tehsil towards East
Joda , Barbil , Karanjia , Kendujhar are the nearby Cities to the Village Purusottampur
This Place is in the border of the Kendujhar District and West Singhbhum District (Jharkhand State Border)
Demographics of Purusottampur Oriya/Bangla is the Local Language here.
Latitude Longitude Summary:
The Latitude of Purusottampur is 22.0882. The Longitude of Purusottampur is 85.5769. The Latitude and Longitude of Purusottampur is 22.0882 and 85.5769 respectively. 22.0882 Latitude and 85.5769 Longitude can be mapped to closest address of Purusottampur, Odisha 758047, India. Purusottampur is located in sub-locality, Purusottampur locality, Kendujhar District, Odisha State of 758047 Country.
How to Reach:
You can reach by several way, some like by Road(Bus) and by Train or by Airplane .
Nearest Bus stop : Purusottampur -00 KM
Nearest Train stop : Dangoaposi (DPS)- 14 KM, Banspani (BSPX) - 28 KM, Noamundi (NOMD)- 11.5 KM, Keonjhar (KDJR) - 73 KM , Jaroli , Bara Jamda
Nearest Airport : Ranchi Airport (IXR)- 210 KM, Bhubaneswar Airport (BBI)- 268 KM, Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose Airport (CCU)- 355 KM, Gaya Airport (GAY)- 451 KM
Nearest Cities:
Here are the some important Business and corporate related big and famous city across Odisha. Joda- 25 KM, Barbil- 30 KM, Karanjia- 52 KM, Kendujhar- 63 KM
Schools & Colleges in Purusottampur village includes:
U.P. School , Purusottampur (Govt)
M.E. school , Purusottampur (Govt)
B.N.K. High School , Purusottampur (Govt) MAP
Sree Saraswathi Vidya Mandira (Semi Govt)
Lord Jagannath Temple
Lord Shiv Temple
Govt. Office, Hospital & Clinic
Ayurvedic Hospital (Govt)
Forester Guard Office (Govt)
Manoj Medical Clinic (Pvt)
Major festivals:
In Autumn: Durga Puja, Kumar Purnima, Deepabali
In Winter: Prathamastami
In Spring: Vasant Panchami, Maha Shivaratri, Dola Purnima and Holi
In Summer: Ratha Yatra
In Monsoon: Ganesh Chaturthi
Nearby Villages of Purusottampur:
Wikipedia article: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Purusottampur,_Keonjhar
Nearby cities:
Coordinates: 22°4'59"N 85°34'48"E
- Maheswarpur Village 7 km
- Gambharia 12 km
- Gumara 13 km
- Noamundi 14 km
- Berhmapur Karanjia 16 km
- Jagannathpur 17 km
- Gua Iron Ore Mines Area 26 km
- Chamakpur 54 km
- Raidih Village 57 km
- Sonua 57 km
- Nayakrishnapur 1.3 km
- satahalia village 2.2 km
- Dilkiburu 3.1 km
- TATA Sponge Iron Ltd. 12 km
- Thakurani Hill 15 km
- Joda 17 km
- Joda East Iron Mine 17 km
- Banspani Hill ( Part Of Joda East iron Mine of Tata Steel Ltd.) 18 km
- Rungta Mines P Ltd., Jajang Iron & Manganese 24 km