Marquez Mine

USA / New Mexico / Eagle Nest /
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Following initial exploration by Devilliers Nuclear in 1969, Bokum Resources, with the financial backing of east coast utility, Long Island Lighting Co., erected surface facilities and started drilling a mine shaft to access uranium ore, known as the Marquez Deposit. A 2,200 ton per day processing mill to process of uranium ore was constructed 2.3 kms to the east. Following the bankruptcy of Bokum Resources, Long Island Lighting, through its subsidiary, Marquez Development Corporation, continued the project.

After a total expenditure of $65 million, and before the mine shaft reached the uranium ore deposit, the work was stopped. All buildings and structures, including the nearby mill were subsequently removed.
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Coordinates:   35°19'8"N   107°19'29"W
This article was last modified 8 years ago