Chagan (nuclear test)

Kazakhstan / Sigis Kazakstan / Chagan /
 lake, abandoned / shut down, dangerous place / area, radiation, nuclear testing area

Chagan was a Soviet nuclear test during the Soviet atomic bomb project and was the most powerful test in the Nuclear Explosions for the National Economy series. It was an underground test, fired on January 15, 1965. The yield was the equivalent of 140 kilotons of TNT. While the test did not violate the 1963 Limited Test Ban Treaty (it was an underground test), the United States nonetheless complained to the Soviets.
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Coordinates:   49°56'7"N   79°0'31"E


  • Yo, dawg. Yo leern foreen langudge. Good for yor intellectual development. Daesh ispolzovanie Yadernyh technologii dlia nuzhd narodnogo hozyaistva!!!
  • The nuclear lake is formed in 1965. Creation of an artificial water basin was the purpose of explosion of a thermonuclear charge. It was the first industrial test directed for needs of a national economy. It was planned, that the created reservoir will help with droughty places of Kazakhstan to water cattle and to water vegetation. Experts have lead nuclear test on depth of 178 meters, capacity of explosion has made 140 Kt. As a result the width formed crater has reached thousand meters in diameter. The ultimate goal nuclear physicists have achieved, on a card there was one more lake. " Water in lake - very pure, in it is not observed excess isotopes, at least, they are at an admissible level ", - the chief of a department of radiating researches and restoration ecosystem National Nuclear center РК Jury Strilchuk speaks. If water in nuclear lake pure a situation around of a reservoir - it is far not safe. Even today, later 41 year, a radiating background on a place of explosion till now makes five hundred mkR/h. It in tens times above maximum permissible norms. Besides, the ground near to lake - is radioactive.
This article was last modified 9 years ago