
India / Haryana / Bhiwani /
 village, gram panchayat
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Bamla is a village and Gram Panchayat in Bhiwani Block Bhiwani Tehsil in Bhiwani District of Haryana.
The village is known for the Samadhis of austere saints Swami Silgiri Jee Maharaj and Swami Suratgiri Jee Maharaj. It has good schools, play grounds, hospitals for human as well as cattle, ponds, irrigation canals, electricity and diesel run tube wells, green fields, roads in and around the village, tall trees around ponds, temples and Arya Samaj. The beauty of the village lies in the cluster of small villages all around this important village of District Bhiwani. People from surrounding villages often visit this village following the old traditions of fraternity.
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Coordinates:   28°48'24"N   76°14'30"E


  • One of the biggest village in Bhiwani district. Jat is the largest community in village second is Brahmin and then rest. There is two panchayat in the village. This is a very famous village in the Haryana.
  • I m so Pleased to find my birth place land in the map of Google pl Keep it Thank You Ravi Grewal Software Tester for Oracle at London
  • The Best all over World I m proud to be BAMLIA
  • YA very good Ravi Grewal we have great relations of this village. Our reletives are lives here and they are very popular Farmer of the village. They known as Ch. Ujala RAm Pariwar,. Jinke Bricks Factory in his village. Ultemately Bamla VIllage is a great village in the Haryana
  • Hey this is Rakesh Kumar Grewal,,,,good to see this place..
  • very pleasing
  • Bamla is very famous in haryana.This village is full of phalwan & boxer.Bamla is very dangerous village.
  • hi,am arvind ranga.u are wright friends,bamla is very nice place.i also related with bamla village. its my native place.i lives pune (m.h)but my family lives in bamla.i proud of my village bamla.
  • Bamla is very poor village so more crrimes in this village and also dangerous village
  • Dear All, Bamla is very famous in haryana. This village is full of phalwan & boxer.
  • it is very beautiful villgae and there is no place for crime
  • my village is popular in badmashi.
  • I want to make friends in bamla village
  • very nice villege
  • I'm the first male from Haryana who climbed world's highest peak Mt. Everest (8848m) on 20 May 2011. Bamla is my motherland my villagers are very simple and hard worker. I REALLY FEEL PROUD FOR TAKING A BIRTH IN BAMLA.
  • went to uttranchal remotes on horses track.would be nice if someone could trace remains of khera from medieval period which have contributed to our ancestors and culture.we can have a jist of defence officers contributed to indian defence.
  • bamla is a very dangrious village
  • All Families are not same, I m proud to be the son of this village. I love bamla.
  • Bamla is a nice and famous village. I proud of my village.
  • This is my village and i love in that....
  • it is a good village and i proud of my village
  • Really our village is different to other villages and one common thing is we need not to explain about our village to a stranger.................. .
  • Is this about the village of Bamla? I see very little of Bamla, and a lot of writing from Prof Kaushik about himself. Please restrict to describing the object (Bamla), and avoid turning it into an essay about yourself. Wikipedia is a far better place for that.
  • I am proud of my village ...
  • Terroristic activities? You are making a fool of yourself, Mr. Kaushik
  • Another fake ID like Mr jimbella63. M/S Jimbellas certainly it is unlawful and a cyber crime leading to terrostic activities. Do not be happy if you have not been caught.
  • Mr jimbella63 this is a fake ID. No individual exist in Bamla village named jimbella63. It is a crime to use fake ID. Do not be a criminal floating a fake ID.
  • Mr Adrian Nilbuz, yours is a fake name with fake ID. Do nor be rejoiced that you have not been caught using fake name and fake ID. Cyber labs can detect your fake name and fake ID and no wonder that you may be booked under cyber crime for using fake name and fake ID and may be punished under existing Cyber rules.
  • Bamla is best in india im proudly feel
  • प्रदीप ग्रेवाल भोलू बामलिया Pardeep Grewal Bholu Bamliya
  • Originally posted by user Purshotam Kaushik- Mr R. D. Bairagi, was the worthy Head Master of the then Government High School, Bamla, in early sixties of the 20th century. Although his qualification was just B.A., B.T., he was known for his ability of writing and administration. Hats off to his English. He also happened to be a correspondent of 'The Tribune' the daily English News paper of the region. ¶ ¶ Mr Bairagi would talk about sonnets, songs and poems of William Shakespeare and would take about a week to complete one poem. Mr Bairagi expressed it was the genius of William Shakespeare that beauty and truth sprang from whatever he touched with mind and pen. Each of his sonnets, songs and poems is a masterpiece to be read, savoured and re-read with wonder and delight. His sonnets are referred to be greatest short poems in English language. They were written to be enjoyed and have come to be cherished and loved. He held that Shakespeare's songs are as fresh and sparkling as clear morning dew, as merry as lark's note, as haunting as moon beam. Shakespeare displays in his longer poems the same dramatic insight which has made his plays priceless treasures of literature. It is said these poems are greater than they are. His each poem stands as its own immortal monument. For example the last two lines of his sonnet CVI, teach us that we should not be miser to appreciate good things. ¶ "For we, which now behold these present days, ¶ Have eyes to wonder, but lack tongues to praise." ¶ ¶ Master Sadhu Ram Jee, B.A., B.Ed., is one of living legends of Government High School, Bamla, who was in good books of the worthy Head Master Mr R. D. Bairagi. Masrer Sadhu Ram Jee was a very popular teacher among his students. His words as a teacher of History and English yet resound in the ears of his students who attended his classes. Although he is at a threshold of 79 one will find him mentally sound. He would talk about existing stories and anecdotes of the village. He would often remember the richness, name and fame and contributions of Seths Sheoram and Shokran the great philanthropists of the village for their well, hoses for water for cattle and the magnificent pucca Ghats of the Village pond called "Gaon wala Johor". ¶ He is a walking encyclopedia of his subject. He had equal command on Ancient Indian History; Medieval History; and Modern History. He would speak relentlessly on Emperor Chandragupta Maurya, Emperor Bindusar and Emperor Ashoka. He would never forget emphasizing contributions of Acharya Chanakya also known as Vishnugupta and Kautilya. "The Arthashashtra of Kautilaya" (= Monumental work on Economics - By Kautilya) is meaningful even today. ¶ ¶ ¶ Master Sadhu Ram jee would give a lucid account of Emperor Baber's son Humayun. He would narrate the time when his younger brother had mutinied (=refused to obey) in his manner that Humayun sent a message to his brother ASCARI and said, "You are my younger brother. You are a bit cheeky and rebelling against me. Younger brothers are known to commit mistakes after a sudden rush of blood. Therefore, being your elder brother I shall forgive you. Return home and be a good boy". None-the-less, Askari remained adamant. When the rebellion-streaked younger brother did not listen Humayun he bid a hell with him, sent his troops to Gujrat, defeated Askari, brought him back to Delhi, and threw Askri to prison. ¶ The students of Master sadhu Ram Jee are scattered through out the country in higher echelons of Government and Private sector. ¶ ¶ A large number of people have added to the grace of Indian Army and the village has given to the nation war heroes worth remembering. ¶ ¶ The village has produced the Academicians of the earth of Professor O. P. Grewal who was an international authority of American English Literature. ¶ ¶ LAST VISIT OF THE TIGER IN BAMLA AT DABRI OF BRHAMINS ¶ It was around 1960 a tiger was spotted at Bamla in Dabri of Brhamins in the sacred groove of some trees and shrubs of Heens that surrounded Dabri with its crystal clear pure water that was considered to be potable those days. It was also seen taking rest in the cool irrigation- small- kachcha- channel to that local people call the "Khand" which"Khaand" which had a luxuriant growth of Jhunds (Saccharum munja) the source of Moonj on both banks of the channel. Although the brave farmers of the village continued their work as usual uninterruptedly yet there was big stir and fear in the village. The law of protection of Wild life and biodiversity had not come into existence that was legislated much latter in 1972 in the Parliament of India. The people of the village took the services of Mr Roora Singh Balmiki of Phoolpura with elegant personality, the only known gunman of the place. The villagers beating drums marched ahead the den of the tiger. On smoking the beast came out of the jhoonds and was shot near the ear and was hanged at a little elevation on a Neem tree at Gaurwa near the Aaran of Mr Kurda and Mr Banwari, Lohars the blacksmiths of the village. After that tiger never came but the population of Neelgai (also called Rojh) has increased considerably.
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This article was last modified 8 years ago