India /
Mizoram /
Mamit /
/ India
/ Mizoram
/ Mamit

Phaizau is a village in the Zawlnuam sub district/tehsil/taluk, Mamit district, in the state of Mizoram.
The population in Phaizau village is 295 as per the survey of census during 2011 by Indian Government.
There are 70 House Holds in Phaizau.
There are 157 males (53%); There are 138 females (47%).
Scheduled Cast are 0 (0%)
Total Scheduled Tribe are 290 (98% ).
The population in Phaizau village is 295 as per the survey of census during 2011 by Indian Government.
There are 70 House Holds in Phaizau.
There are 157 males (53%); There are 138 females (47%).
Scheduled Cast are 0 (0%)
Total Scheduled Tribe are 290 (98% ).
Nearby cities:
Coordinates: 23°55'33"N 92°31'24"E
- Field 3.4 km
- North East Stevia Plot 2 11 km
- Tut River merges with River Tlawng 12 km
- Hortoki Vengchhak Field 17 km
- Kawnpui chhuk---> Road of thlahrang :) 18 km
- Tawitaw 21 km
- Serkhan 22 km
- RHO-II 27 km
- River Feirei merges with Tlawng River 29 km
- SP Kolasib Complex 35 km
- Mamit 3.2 km
- Zp Rubber plantation 10 km
- North East Stevia Plot 1 Lengpui, Mizoram 12 km
- Chilui 12 km
- Gas Bottling Plant 13 km
- North Tlangkhang 14 km
- Hortoki Serzawl Dhaleswari Bridge 17 km
- Bairabi Railway Station 30 km
- Tripura 74 km
- Mizoram 83 km